District Nursing
Home hospital (Kotisairaala)
Home hospital offers hospital care at home, nursing home or in group homes.
Works 24/7
The goal of the home hospital is to shorten the hospital stay by improving the speed of hospital discharge.
Home hospital offers these procedures at patient's home
IV medications
IV fluids and IV nutrition
Red blood cell transfusions
Wound, burn and skin graft treatments and care
PEG care
Palliative and end of life care
Home care (Kotihoito)
Community Nurse
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Home hospital
Suomi.fi (2020) Kotisairaala. https://www.suomi.fi/palvelut/kotisairaala-siun-sote-pohjois-karjalan-sosiaali-ja-terveyspalvelujen-kuntayhtyma/68bf37a1-1fe5-49bf-86a7-2cc988bbbe01 (Accessed on 19.07.2021)
Sosiaali ja terveysministerio (2021) Kotisairaanhoito ja kotisairaalahoito. https://stm.fi/kotisairaanhoito-kotisairaalahoito (Accessed on 19.07.2021)
The goal of home care is to enable the elderly person to live at home as long as possible
Home care assists the elderly person with daily life activities such as washing dressing and eating.
Home care
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (2021) Home care. https://thl.fi/en/web/ageing/older-people-services-undergoing-a-change/home-care (Accessed on 19.07.2021)
InfoFinland (2021) Elderly. https://www.infofinland.fi/en/living-in-finland/family/elderly (Accessed on 19.07.2021)
Home care encompasses home services, home nursing and support services.
The main tasks include
basic care - such as checking temperature, blood pressure and breathing
administering injections
assisting doctors with examinations and medical procedures
cleaning and dressing wounds
setting up intravenous drips and monitoring ongoing care
:Also educational and advisory role for patients and their families in the community
Community nurses work outside of the hospital providing the nursing care and expertise in the community
Community nursing
Ervin, N.E. and Kulbok, P.A. (2018) Advanced public and community health nursing practice : population assessment, program planning, and evaluation. New York: Springfield Publishing Company
Sines, D: (2014) Community and public health nursing. (5th Edtion). New Jersey: Willey Blackwell.
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