Gerunds and infinitives
G & I function as subjects, objects, and subject complements in sentences.
Sharing tasks with co-workers is helpful
What is helpful? ➡ Sharing
Direct object of a verb
I avoid calling the doctor too often
What are you avoiding? ➡ Calling
Subject complements
Our dream is to make a trip to Africa next year
Gerund or infinitive?
Verbs that can only be followed by gerunds.
(Emotions 😃) Enjoy, feel like, dislike, celebrate, detest, mind, endure, miss, resent, resist, tolerate.
(Bye bye or stop 🏴) Finish, give up, prohibit, quit, escape, avoid, deny, report, discontinue, risk.
(Dear teacher 👨🎓) Complete, delay, explain, practice, recommend, suggest, support, understand, advise, justify, keep, mention, propose, postpone.
(Friendship deeds ❤) Actkowledge, admit, can't help (falling in love with you), consider, forgive, imagine, prevent, recall, apreshiate, discuss.
Verbs that can only be followed by infinitives.
(Deal! ✅) Agree, arrange, afford, decide, plan, prepare, promise, consent, claim.
(Quest❓) Ask, choose, request, hesitate, refuse.
(Want ❤) Attempt, can't wait, care, deserve, need, offer, pretend, volunteer, wait, want, would like, wish, yearn, hope, intend, expect.
(Roll with the punches and work hard 📚) Fail, learn, grow, manadge, struggle.
(A serious matter , be careful ‼) Demand, neglect, pay, swear, threaten.
(Other) Appear, mean, seem
Can be followed by either.
(Process ♻) Start, begin, continue, try.
(Tearjerker 😢) Can't stand, like, love, hate, pefer.
With a change in meaning.
Forget (+gerund): Forget something that happened.(+ infinitive): Forget something that needs to be done.
Regret (+gerund): Regret a past action. (+infinitive): Regret having to inform someone about an atcion.
Remember(+gerund): Remember something that happened. (+infinitive): Remember sth that needs to be done.
Stop (+gerund): stop a continuous action. Stop(+infinitie): Stop in order to do something.
To state a fact or opinion
ALWAYS with an impersonal IT + infinitive
It's a good day to meet the new boss.
Purpose of an action
We used an insect repellent to avoid mosquito bites.
To modify an adjective with too or enough
They were too late to make the plane to Boston, but they were early enough to catch the bus.
NOT... enough elderly.
Prepositions can be followed by gerunds, not by infinitives.
Adjectives can be followed by infinitives, not by gerunds.