brain: bony skull, 3 layers, dura, pia, archenoid, cerebro spinal fluid, mylin sheath cover white, hind brain: first, medulla, bp, heart, pons, face and head, cerebellum: w/g, coordinate motor function. mid brain: tectum( colliculi, visual, auditory) tegmentum( reticular formation, lower and higher part of brain),RAS( ascending and descending), fore brain: tele and die cephalon ,thalamus(vision,hearing, taste and temp) and hypothalamus( homeostatic, pituitary gland, hinger ,thrust,), basal ganglia ( Parkinson disease), hippocampus for memory, olfactory bulb for smell,cerebrum: larger the grey more intelligence, 2 hemisphere, both contains fissures , fissures containing 4 lobes, frontal(motor activity) , parietal(knowledge of direction),temporal(wernick), occipital(visual).