System Lifecycle: AUTOMATIC CAR WASH
Concept System Failures
Cleaning process takes between 3-5 minutes per vehicle. Adequate area to allow vehicles waiting in line to queue without disrupting local traffic flow.
Car wash overspray may effect other businesses or vehicles in the area if not controlled.
Apparatuses scratch/damage vehicles during cleaning process.
CONCEPT: To provide a paid, time efficient service where the user drives there vehicle into a designated area of the system that methodically cleans the car using mechanical automation with the use of different apparatuses.
Construction System Failures
Errors in construction
Construction budget
Location to suit the needs of a car wash (large area, entry/exit points, noise, lighting etc.)
Sourcing parts and manufacturers (local or abroad)
Manufacturer supply issues
Construction issues and delays
Commissioning System Failures
Correct installation of technology
Trialing the system under supervision
Pricing point for car wash
Delays in commissioning from local authority approvals
Water restrictions and usage causing concern from public interest groups.
Spending over budget
Operating System Failures
Clear directional guidance for users
Cars are being cleaned to expectation of users
Vehicle instructions for car wash operation
Damage to cleaning parts
Damage to vehicles from faulty car wash equipment
System relies on vehicle drivers following instructions on where to stop to allow the automated system to work as designed.
Maintenance System Failures
Maintenance issues may be ignored if system is able to continue to operate and generate profit
Unavailability of parts
System unavailability during maintenance works
Scheduling of maintenance
Maintenance required as per manufacturer guidelines
System updates and part upgrades
Decommissioning System Failures
Service no longer financially viable
Relocation to another premises
Completion of manufacturers recommended lifespan
Time delays in completing decommission
Users unaware of decommissioning creating confusion
Car wash is run beyond manufacturers recommended lifespan
Shipping / freight delays - parts
Provisions for water usage and recycling of used water
Local council / environmental dept. approvals
Vehicles are not being cleaned
Staff not trained for major maintenance issues and availability of manufacturer specialist could cause extensive delays to operation.