Working Bibliography:
Aronson, J. (2004) "The Threat of a Stereotype." Educational Leadership. 62(3): 14-19.
Brookfield, S. (1999) Discussion as a Way of Teaching. Buckingham, Open University Press
Collins, P.H. (2015) "Intersectionality's Definitional Dilemmas." Annual Review of Sociology, 41: 1-20.
hooks, b. (1994) Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. New York: Routledge.
Kay, M.R. (2018) Not Light But Fire: How to Lead Meaningful Race Conversations in the Classroom. Portsmouth: Stenhouse Publishers.
Tanner, K.D. (2018). "Structure Matters: Twenty-One Teaching Strategies to Promote Student Engagement and Cultivate Classroom Equity." Life Sciences Education, 12: 322-331.
McLaren, P. (2014) Life in Schools: An Introduction to Critical Pedagogy in the Foundations of Education. New York: Routledge. Sixth Edition.
Staats, C. (2015) "Understanding Implicit Bias: What Educators Should Know." American Educator: 29-33, 43.
Tatum, B.D. (2017) Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?: and Other Conversations about Race. New York: Basic Books.
Toshalis, E. and Nakkula, M.J. (2012) "Motivation, Engagement, and Student Voice." Jobs for the Future: 1-42.
Toshalis, E. and Nakkula, M.J. (2006) Understanding Youth: Adolescent Development for Educators. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.