My school is modelled on a selective school in UK, where pupils sit an entrance exam to be admitted. They do not have prep pupils progressing through the school as my school does. This means we have more pupils with SEN. We are beginning to recognise that SEN is an area for development. Whilst we cannot support all pupils with SEN needs eg physically disabled pupils, or pupils with severe social and communication needs (ASD), targeted support can be offered to many pupils with SEN needs from nursery to U6th. More intensive SEN support is available in prep and pre prep with Dyslexia specialist support and Speech Therapy Support. In the Senior School a reduced curriculum is available for some pupils, as well as targeted support for core subjects and Executive Functioning. As the school sets pupils by ability staff are not used to differentiation and there can be a range of ability, particularly in the lower sets, which can be hard for less experienced teachers to support.