HR projects and active areas

"Suitable Expertise" project

A project to qualify staff in their function

Not sure if now focusing on band 5-6 ❓

Strategic personnel development

Some staff cannot charge their personnel development cost to the project.

Therefore now considering central budget


Align HR tools with KuF e.g. staff talk, feedback to managers etc.

Working on staff survey, will happen next year

Pool of moderators for feedback to managers available


Female leadership

Female in band 7

Mentoring programme

Be- und Entfristingspolicy

kind of change process that many are part of

need to explore more what is it exactly

Dont know yet how it will look like, how much budget per person.

Career path

From current to desired goal > What knowledge and skills are needed in the development

How can AIZ offer support the development process?


Challenges: How to deal with those who have been with GIZ for long time

KuF - how does it goes with them?

Their roles and responsibilities