

leaves are attached to the stem by a stalk or petiole

dycots leaf- has network veins

monocot leaf- prallel veins

seeds are easy to split in half

seeds are hard to split

layers of leaves

wax cuticle

upper epidermis

mesophyll layer

its transparent to let light to enter

pallisade mesophyll

spongy mesophyll

cells are narrow to have the maximum number of cells to be there

contains chloroplast

chloroplast also present here

called spongy because theres alot of air space between them and they dont have a regular shape

lower epidermis

has guard cell

guard cells has chlorohyll

has stoma

it allows the diffusion of gasses

the "nose" of the leaf

prevents water from evaporating out of the leaf

stoma= 1 stoma stomata= 2 or more stoma

how leafs are adapted for sunlight absorbtion

broad and flat surface

position of exchange

large surface area

vascular bundle

contains xylem and phloem veseles to help transport substances throught the plant

they will swell up when they absorb water. this opens the stomatas to allow gas exchange.

definition- tiny pores in the epidermis



for the manifacture of chloroplast


for the manifacture of protein, nuclic acid , and plant hormons

deficency will lead to bad growth

deficentcy will lead to yellow leaves