The pioneering and challenging places
a lot of persecution. : you don't choose the place to go, but God choose for you. someone walk in the spirit. God's given vision, we passionate about it.
Walk in the spirit- not your own desire។ ព្រះអង្គដាក់ចិត្តឆេះឆួល ដោយសារមកពីព្រះ លែងភ័យខ្លាច កន្លែងនោះក្លាយជាទឹកដីសន្យាសម្រាប់អ្នក។ ព្រះអង្គដាក់សេចក្តីសុខ
ឧទាហរណ៌ នៅកោះកុងនោះ គ្មានអ្វីគួរទាក់ទាញទេ សាលារៀន អានាម័យ តម្លៃ
The place that God you, you become the people there. if you look down to the people. you are not call to that place.
Obey HS, will save your life. story of Paul, HS spoke to me to come out of the bus. ...the enemy start to talk lie to me about my family at risk...but HS gave peace. i started to rebuke the enemy. i said to the devil. i will continue,,,
I still have passion for the Nigeria...the rival come back to God.
Lost support- but God is so faithful!
The vision that God gave you, don't give up. we go there, because God call us. we celebrate each other calling.
Pioneering is spiritual warfare. the new land, we go to the new land, we need to observe the spirit of the land. the darkness. Aware of the spiritual warfare when you are pioneering. ----in your mind? as the team, enemy will try to bring division. be aware!
Spiritual Warfare
Make it beautiful. because temporary become permanent.
Jesus said, i am with you. don't give enemy room.
Open your spiritual eyes,,,look and observe it in the spirit.
to change the atmosphere of the place---violent, oppress, unclean. i submit myself to the HS
Put the armor
Take the authority: we all have the same authority, use it!
Practice what the bible tell us.
Don't compromise! don't corrupt. the government came to threaten me with gun, to fear me. i told them,
The government gave us money! i did not receive. we came why you don't take the money.
Using what we have to multiply- we use DTS. I go with the DTS leader and stay there for 3-6 months.
ថវិកា ចេញពីកន្លែងមួយទៅកន្លែង១។ ជួយគ្នា!
Don't jump the gun! wait for the right time.
God's given vision-passion.
Walk in the spirit
change the atmosphere
Multiplication take place with DTS..Leader...staff
Your obedience to Christ is qualify you.