How does critical pedagogy reveal and confront the role that schooling plays throughout history in the United States?
traditional education
progressive education
ban child labor
whole child approach (social, intellectual, emotional)...not for or available to all children
international recognition
need for labor jobs/factory workers in the U.S (cheap labor)
every day "life" skills
Health and hygiene are subjective by different groups (cultural difference)
differentiated content by gender
educational opportunities for immigrant adults
goal of progressive education for immigrant populations-socialize students and their families amongst American culture
(intention versus reality for immigrant/marginalized families)
Division of ethnic groups in politics
Gary Plan
public education becomes competitive in nature
(American value of Individualism)
politically motivated to advance certain groups in education while leaving certain groups to work in factories
immigrant populations primarily working in factories
English only curriculum
patriotism, and American citizenship
putting assimilation to work (americanize immigrant children)
native American assimilation camps
American Holiday's apart of curriculum (Columbus Day)
beginning of skewed view of world/U.S history
American (white) savior ship
Christianity (The Bible) present in public education
one size fits all
IQ testing
College Bound
white, middle-upper class, affluent students
Career Tracking
Very gendered based on "appropriate" career path
Forms American values of intelligence/ determines who is set up for success
High IQ=more opportunity (power and privilege)
Students “tracked” based on outcome of score (labeled for life)
Belief that ethnicity affects intelligence…
Ability to learn was undermined, potential of students not valued
Testing subjective by nature
Students being labeled as slow learners, mentally retarded (heavily hispanic/latino)
Testing in English only
discouraged hispanic students from college prep classes
Black schooling
division of genders; girls become the "help" (domesticated work) and boys doing labor
Key (color coded by themes)
racial/social inequities or racially/socially motivated
political inequities or politically motivated
economic inequities or economically motivated
connections amongst inequities/motivations
ALL (racial and social, political, and economic inequities and motivations
students with "significant" disabilities institutionalized; unable to participate in public education
teachers are given huge job of differentiating without support/proper pay
no critical thinking for marginalized groups
job of teachers undervalued and underfunded
intersectionality amongst students of color/immigrant/native peoples AND disability