Branstorming the Essay - Homeschooling -
Many universities reject your application, given that you don't have an academic education.
Students have to be self-disciplined and learn on their own at times. (But wether teaching yourself self-discipline is good or bad, depends on personality of the individual. It might be hard for energic and easily-distracted people, but really easy to more calm and centered individuals.)
Freedom that children have to investigate, question and research about things that suit their interests.
Students learn to be more proactive with their social life.
Chldren don't have homework, exams or deadlines.
There are organizations that organize groups of homeschooled students for going into trips to musseums, expositions, etc.
Children learn to be more independant given that they have to seek and figure things out like adults.
Lack of strictness: Homeschooled children are not obliged to have deadlines while learning in their homes, but when the time comes for them to get into a university that is more strict as regards time, they'll be forced to concentrate more and work harder; leading stress, which at the same time leads to mental health deterioration.
Children spend extra time with their families
Children are sheltered from school violence, bullying and discrimination.
Less daily interaction with large group of kids of their same age & Less possibilities to make friends than someone who goes to a school and is surrounded by people their age.
Less distraction from students
Homeschoolers tend to perform better on standardized tests.
Real-life skill building is stronger in home-based learning.
A kid could be exposed to domestic violence and have nowhere or no one to turn to for help.
The amount of money spent on a homeschooled child is less, since large sums of money do not have to be spent on school supplies, uniforms, books that the school curriculum needs, etc.
Possibly fewer resources such as technology, special classes, etc, that may be available in a school.
They will not be prepared for the real world, given that they won’t get to experience mean teachers, mean kids, or any of those other things that make kids grow up and get ready for life after school.