Working in general
to make a living
to do a job-share
to go part-time
to go freelance
to earn a good living
to practise (medicine)
to carve a niche for yourself
Kinds of jobs
stimulating job
rewarding job
mechanical job
repetitive job
monotonous job
satisfying job
challenging job
glamorous job
dead-end job
a run-of the-mill job
boring job
demanding job
stressful job
career prospects
a competitive salary
sick/paid Ieave
benefits package
healthcare plan
subsidised meals
full training
fast-paced working environment
maternity leave
holiday entitlement
performance-related pay rises
annual bonus
to be promoted/promotion
relocation allowance
company pension scheme
Working conditions
a mundane task
a daunting task
to meet a deadline
to have a heavy workload
day/night shift
irregular hours
to be stuck in a rut
to have work–life balance
to be tied up at work
work piled up
to work under stress
to keep your ear to the ground
to keep your feet on the ground
Job interviews
To recruit
To be shortlisted for an interview
A trial run
make eye contact with the interviewers
a firm handshake
to take on responsibility
to fill the post
notice period
to offer the position
to fit the job description
hands-on experience
working in some field
customer-facing experience
gain managerial experience
worked well under pressure
have a good working relationship
day-to-day collaboration
establish a good rapport
to take the initiative
hierarchical company
socialise with workmates
work as a team
a professional misconduct
to foster team spirit
mutual feedback
to undermine the work of the team
To stop working
to go/be on strike
to get the sack
to be fired
to be made redundant
to be laid off
to take early retirement
to hand in resignation