Church : should be plain, not decorated, so that people can concentrate on what the minister is saying
Church Services : In English so that everyone could understand them
God : Believe God is omnipotent and everywhere
The Bible : Everyone should be able to read it for themselves, therefore available in English
Sins : People are sinful, Sins can only be forgiven by God and Jesus.
Sacraments : Only some of the Sacraments are necessary to get into heaven.
Depend on each Protestant teaching. In Henry VIII's first legislation, the Act of Ten Articles - only 3 sacraments mentioned (baptism, communion and confession)
Communion : During communion - bread and wine only represented the body and blood of Christ. Called 'consubstantiation'
Priests : Were ordinary people, do not have power to turn bread and wine into body and blood of Jesus. Wear plain clothing, speak English. Allowed to marry and be punished if they break the law.