Lexical Map
Form - Verb
Meaning - 1- to pause for a moment before doing or saying something 2- be reluctant to do something.
Synonym = Pause , delay
Form - adjective
Meaning - unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.
Synonym - unwilling , disinclined
Eg = My friend asked with a hesitant smile.
Antonym - willing , ready
Eg = It was a reluctant farewell.
Skirt around
Form - Noun
Form = adjective
Antonym = Certain
Meaning - to go or pass around or about specifically
Synonym - go around
Antonym - avoid
Eg = I skirted around the security guard when his back was turned and made my way into the building.
Meaning - sinister or ghostly in a way that causes fear and unease.
Synonym - weird ,mysterious ,sinister
Antonym = cool , normal , calm
Eg = The whole place has a slightly spooky atmosphere.
Form - adjective
Meaning - strange and frightening.
Antonym - ghostly , uncanny
Synonym - normal
Eg = All of them wore eerie red contact lenses.