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Risks analysis
• Socio/Politico/Economic Situation Myanmar
• Epidemic and impact of the COVID-19 outbreak
• Cooperation and awareness of the target group's problems
• Law enforcement and litigation
• Gender inequality and conflict sensitivity.
• Changes in the policies of the Thai state
• The ability of personnel.
• The internal administration
• Complaint’s accessibility by rights holders
• Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse
• Policy (Risk of the Goal)
Risk on funding
Accounting and Financial Policy and Procedures 2019
Child protection policy 2019
Discrimination policy 2019
Personnel Administration Policy & Officer's Regulation and Practice 2019
Procurement Policy and Procedure 2019
Travel and Expenses Policy and Procedures 2019
When to develop CIRM?
Context and problems analysis
the outgoing labor movements from both Myanmar and Thailand as migrants’ workers seek more profitable overseas opportunities for employment in turn putting themselves at risk to unscrupulous labour brokers and human trafficking.
Ethnic minorities face compounded problems due to language barriers and cultural difficulties which make it hard for them to assimilate information, access mainline services and available assistance in line with their rights, particularly when faced with discrimination from local government officials.
The COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating many of these issues of inequality and discrimination against ethnic minorities and migrant workers and one can see clear double standards
Duty Bearers and Right Defenders
Problems of networking lack of mobilization and unity among CSOs and other right defenders to speak clearly with one coherent voice about their problems and diverse needs of their constituent to government. Often the wrong approach can antagonize and confuse government agencies causing them to fail to address the problems and find solutions.
Rights Holders
Problem of lack of victim assistance and access to rights protections and government services, lack of available information for ethnic minorities and migrant workers in ethnic languages and accessible media on human trafficking and exploitation and how to find help if they become victims.
The border areas will become even more high risk as the situation in Myanmar deteriorates and displaces civilians in search of protection and work towards border areas.
Add---problems on database and information for policy advocacy should be analyzed/synchronized of information.
Add---no analyze on law and policy enforcement/ why we have to do that role --service provider?
Add--- Tip report analyse should be mentioned as it link to why you have to continue working on this issue.
Acting as a coordination centre between networks of GOs and NGOs both on the provincial and regional level as well as cross border with Myanmar and Laos in order to share information and best practices.
Integrated and comprehensive assistance to victims of human trafficking and child abuse balancing social and legal priorities and centred on the needs of the victim.
Capacity building for multi-disciplinary teams enabling them to set up new provincial centers that combat human trafficking and child abuse.
Community surveillance networks in border and other high-risk areas that enable community members to be alert, identify, report, and provide appropriate intervention in cases of human trafficking and child abuse.
Consultation and technical services that enable government teams to mount effective operations to combat human trafficking.
Focus areas
human trafficking, child abuse and violence against children, and gender equality.
" Network coordination and service center to professionally and efficiently solve human trafficking in the north of Thailand. "
Working approach
“Human Rights Based Approach” and “Victim Centred
Approach” are the key strategy programme approaches to project implementation to obtain the desired change. The intervention logic of the project includes a theory of change which starting from the identification of contexts/problems and needs, then indicate the “who, what, and how” in change processes.
Mainstreaming areas:
Although the organization is not a gender standalone organization and even not a lead organization on gender equality, they tried hard to mainstream gender perspective into the intervention to promote gender justice.
-Hence, gender is the strongest aspect while conflict and environment are the weakest aspect. All the three areas can be strengthened. The organization has a high willingness to participate in the training.
Add-- MDT
Overall Goal:
To be a professional network coordination center to resolve problem of human trafficking and exploitation in the Northern Thailand.
Objective 1.To act as a coordination centre and strengthen the capacity networks of rights defenders, duty bearers, civil society organizaitons on efficiently solve the problem of human trafficking and exploitation.
Expected result 1.1 A strong coordination center of CSOs at cross-border and provincial levels with up to date reliable information on human trafficking and exploitation.
1.1.1 Joint development of database system on tackling human trafficking and exploitation.
1.1.3 Annual review and inputs to report related to human trafficking and advocacy.
1.1.2 Database collection, analysis, update information.
Expected result 1.2 Strengthening CSOs capacity on efficiently solve the problem of human trafficking and exploitation.
1.2.1 CSOs (MDTs) capacity building to protect rights holders from human trafficking and exploitation. (3 times).
1.2.2 Case conference and case review meeting to improve the protection process of MDTs.(10 times)
1.2.3 Cross border meeting to develop a cooperation action plan. (3 times).
1.2.4 Meeting to develop a cooperation action plan and support the work of the right defenders network at provincial and district levels. (8 times)
To support rights holders to access their rights and to prevent rights holders from human trafficking and exploitation.
Expected result 2.2 To prevent rights holders from human trafficking and exploitation
2.2.1 Meeting for media development to prevent rights holders from human trafficking and exploitation. (8 time)
2.2.2 Produce printed media and multimedia to provide information and raise awareness to anti human trafficking and exploitation.
Produce preinted medai such as stickers, posters, calendars, warning cards, etc. (10,000 pieces)
Produce multimedia for publish media through online platforms such as Facebook, LINE, website, etc. (4 clips) ----observation
2.2.3 Training for rights holders to provide information and knowledge of how to protect themselves from human trafficking and exploitation.
Migrant workers at Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai (4 times)
Migrant workers at immigration Centers and Laborer Camps. (5 times)
Ethnic minority (4 times)
2.2.4 Public awareness raising campaign. (2 times)
coordination with other organizations for media distribution/or fundraising for media development/production with CSR
Expected result 2.1 Support rights holders to access their rights.
2.1.1 Incident reports and facts findings (cases)
2.1.2 Prosecution/legal assistance for rights holders.
2.1.3 Claim compensation for rights holders.
2.1.4 Coordinate to ensure the protection, care, shelter and safe reintegration of rights holders.
2.1.5 Rehabilitation and reintegration for victims to increase work skills/life skills before return to their societies.(5 times)
Geographic areas and target groups
Target areas
Northern Thailand (Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lamphun, Lamphang, Phayao, Prae, Nan, Mae Hong Son), and cross-border areas (Maesai/Tachilek/Kengtung, Chiang Khong/Huay Xai/Bokeo)
Target groups
450 Duty bearers/Rights Defenders (50% female, 50% male) participate in meeting/workshop/capacity building and received strong support.
450 Rights Holders (80% female, 20% male) received services and advice the service center.
550 Rights Holders (50% female, 50% male) participate in meeting/workshop/capacity building and understand their rights.
152,800 Rights Holders (50% female, 50% male) received media information.
Monitoring system
Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation:
Monthly Team Meetings
Six Month Evaluation
Focus group meetings with Target Groups
Formal Project Evaluation
Annual Stakeholder Evaluation:
Group 1: Children/youth who have attended or participated in activities with the project.
Group 2 the public, media recipients, or those who have involved with the project indirectly.
Group 3 The Children and youth groups, media recipients, or indirect stakeholders who received media produced by the project.
Group 4 The officer, multidisciplinary team, and stakeholder who involved with the project.
External Evaluation: