Arms race timeline: 1948, The USA created the Strategic Air Command headed by General Curtis LeMay (organisation set up to serve as a primary defence system for USA in response to an external nuclear threat) -> March 1954, US tested a lithium-based H-bomb (1500 times more powerful than Hiroshima) ->Sept 1954, USSR had similar technology -> by 1955, the USSR had tested an airborne H-bomb 100 times more powerful than their first attempts -> By 1957, the USSR was able to develop missile delivery systems for nuclear warheads -> Nov. 1957 Eisenhower commissioned the GAITHER REPORT to investigate the state of US-Soviet nuclear capacity. The popular view was that the USSR was catching up the USA. (referred to USA as becoming a 2nd class power) Eisenhower’s purpose was to calm popular fears by showing US superiority – BUT the Gaither Report said something else!-> Summer 1957 the USSR tests the first ICBM(inter-continental ballistic missile) Also, Missile gap= difference in numbers of missiles on opposing sides. -> Oct. 1957: USSR puts first satellite into orbit ->1959: the next generation of nuclear missile systems was developed including the SLBM Polaris, the Thor and the Minuteman (ICBM) systems. The USSR updated its systems with the SS-7 system.