Hamlet's point of recognition (the anagnorisis) is when he sets up the mousetrap play/scene. In the play within in the play, Hamlet has someone murder the King, Gonzago, who then marries his wife after doing so. After this scene in the play, Claudius rises and leaves the room. The Mousetrap Play is put on in order to 'catch' Claudius' conscience. 'Have you heard the argument? Is there no offence in't?' 'The King rises' (Ophelia) 'Give me some light - away!' - Light exposes what lies within the darkness, Claudius fears exposure, so he leaves the room after reacting to the play. - Immediately after this scene, in Act 3, Scene 3, Claudius prays to God, solidifying his guilt, which consequently tells Hamlet that he can take immediate action against Claudius.