knowledge management training
The information society, the knowledge society and the knowledge economy.
The most used research methodologies in knowledge management and intangibles.
Information management
The strategic direction of knowledge.
Information and knowledge
Stages of information management
Management of intangible assets
Intellectual capital
Essential knowledge
Management theory
Valuation problem
Impact of new information and telecommunications technologies on organizational structures
The N-form or network form company
Hypertext structures for the creation of knowledge
The virtual enterprise and virtualization
The creation of new knowledge and innovation
The role of innovation in the context of the new economy
The different classes, process and business innovation
The key role of organizational learning in innovation
Managing talent and imagination
strategic direction in the knowledge economy
The theory of resources and capacities as essential paradigms to direct knowledge towards the creation of essential competencies and capacities to achieve sustainable competitive advantages.
Organizational structures in the knowledge-based organization
Organizational structures in knowledge-based organization in education.
design methodologies
The methodologies of empirical studies:
The theory of knowledge management
The human point of view. Tactical and explicit knowledge
The organizational point of view. Knowledge of the individual person, the group, the organization and between organizations.
The creation of knowledge and innovation.
The impact of information and telecommunications technologies in the configuration of the new economy.
The internationalization and globalization of markets and operations.
The main characteristics of the new environment; Turbulence, complexity, changes
Business excellence in the context of society and the knowledge economy