articoli 7-8-9
7st article
Who was Daniel Morgan and what is the new row over his murder case?
The guardian Wed 19 May 2021
The paper's readership is generally on the mainstream left of British political opinion, and its reputation as a platform for social liberal and left-wing editorial has led to the use of the "Guardian reader" and "Guardianista" as often-pejorative epithets for those of left-leaning or "politically correct" tendencies
Vikram Dodd is a crime correspondent
• Metropolitan police
• London
• Police
• Priti Patel
• Home Office
• news
Summarizes the article
-> unsolved murder of Daniel Morgan, a private investigator based in south London.
On 10 March 1987 he went for a drink at the Golden Lion pub-> he was found dead in the pub car park, with an axe embedded in his head.
The Metropolitan police now accept it was blighted by corruption.-> that a detective called Sid Fillery worked on the first murder investigation. He had close ties to Rees, his business partner
->, no one was convicted of murder and the latest investigation collapsed in 2011
-> Morgan’s brother Alastair quickly became suspicious about the police. He has spearheaded what has become a 34-year campaign for the truth.
-> Met has accepted there were serious problems in the case, so much so that at the 2017 high court hearing the force said: “It is right to acknowledge that the murder, and the associated corruption
Morgan says the claims of corruption have never been properly looked into and no one has been held to account.
-> Morgan was in discussions with the NoW to sell a story about police corruption shortly before his death.
But News UK, ->, declined to comment about its actions or those of people working for it.
->2007 the Met said the motive was probably that Morgan “was about to expose a south London drugs network possibly involving corrupt police officers”.
->“the incidence of connections between private investigators, police officers and journalists at the News of the World and other parts of the media, and alleged corruption involved in the linkages between them”.
the case, ->complicated because One of Morgan’s police contacts-> Alan Holmes. By the summer of 1987 he was a crucial witness in a corruption investigation into a senior Met officer. Holmes was found shot dead in what was classified as a suicide four months after Morgan’s killing
->Jonathan Rees, Glenn Vian and Garry Vian won an appeal against the 2017 high court ruling and were awarded damages against the Met.
Analyze of the article
->news story is time-sensitive.They usually average between 300-500 words.
News stories tell what the news is upfront and then give the most important details in the first paragraph or two.
-> title is made in the form of a question and its goal is to arouse interest in the reader, -> teasing hedline, as it does not summarize the topic in a little but leaves what we will talk about next
-> direct lead as the article starts immediately with the description of the case and who was Daniel Morgan without making general introductions.
-> body of the article contains important information, they are a sequence of information that follow and narrate the story of this murder.
->end-> very interesting because it adds important information that almost creates a climax by increasing the tension
->small paragraphs, each one introduced by a question to which they answer-> style linear and simple,-> lexicon for this reason I did not find it simple.
I chose this article because I have always been interested in criminology and because if I had to put myself in the shoes of Daniel's family, I would probably also like to give an explanation to be able to give me peace, so I think it is right to want to keep the case open and active to continue the investigation.
8st article
‘Black kids were written off’: the scandal of the children sent to ‘dustbin schools’
The guardian wed 19 may 2021
The paper's readership is generally on the mainstream left of British political opinion, and its reputation as a platform for social liberal and left-wing editorial has led to the use of the "Guardian reader" and "Guardianista" as often-pejorative epithets for those of left-leaning or "politically correct" tendencies.
Author: Micha Frazer-Carroll is a columnist at the Independent
• Television
• Race
• Schools
• Children
• Disability
• Mental health
• Young people
• features
Summarize the article
The article revolves around a documentary written by lyttanya shannon
-> contributors for a new film on a disturbing period in British history. -> Black British children who found themselves unfairly removed from mainstream education in the 1960s and 70s. ->“dustbin schools” – places for those deemed “subnormal”. And black children were four times as likely to be sent to them as white children.
->is underpinned by eugenics and the belief that Black children were somehow lesser than white children. At the time, IQ tests, which were instrumental in transferring Black students to ESN schools, were heralded as an objective measure of intelligence testing across cultures.
Black Caribbean children. Designed in Europe, children undertook exercises which involved identifying household objects such as a tap
Caribbean children were also routinely stereotyped by teachers as badly behaved, poorly disciplined and aggressive –> children with different levels of needs, but they weren’t being catered for.”
not all teachers were bad,->Bernard Coard, originally from Grenada, who chose to consider children as individuals. he taught subjects through the passions of children
In 1971,->Coard released a text called How the West Indian Child Is Made Educationally
By 1975, the Black Education Movement had spawned the Black Parents Movement – which lobbied for integration of ethnic minority and disabled -> actively anti-racist “supplementary schools” for Black children.
But despite all the publicity around the scandal at the time, it has largely been written out of history.
And yet racial justice is still very much a live issue in Britain’s education system.
Analyze the article
Feature stories, -> can write one anytime after an event occurs
->more wordy and they have a creative structure. Feature stories can be more than 2000 words.
The beginning – or lead – of a feature story, on the other hand, doesn’t give the news straightaway. Instead, it hooks readers and keeps them reading until the end.
->purpose of the goal is to get the reader's attention. ->title alone sends a huge message using the term 'rubbish school' to mark the conditions that black boys had to endure because they were deemed inferior.
-> teasing hedline as it does not introduce the subject of the article but conveys the message.
->body of the article follows the topic introduced by the lead but adding more specific information and following a common thread
->end of the article does not add new and important information but takes up a thought of the documentarian Lyttanya Shannon who believes that -> lexicon and the vocabulary are very understandable this in my opinion to be able to convey the message to as many people as possible.-> quotations from Shannon's document and his thoughts.-> style in spite of everything, however, is clear and linear.
-> images that refer to what has been said in the article and show subjects mentioned who have had this experience first-hand
->author's goal is to make people aware as much as possible of what happened in the past towards the boys who were not natives of Britain and who are still often not respected. -> voice is present and perceptible. we can understand her point of view that she takes sides against forms of racism
-> I believe that racism despite being in the twenty-first century has not yet been defeated. black people are stereotyped and discriminated against. every day we hear of news of people being treated badly just for the color of their skin considered wrong.
I believe that many more topics of this kind are needed in schools that can sensitize the new generations so that we can move towards an increasingly united population
9st article
No more ‘normal’: How Unilever’s decision to scrap word from its beauty brands must be a sign of real change
Inews March 12, 2021
The i takes a political stance on the centre of the political spectrum, with many front-page headline articles being concerned with social issues and inequality.
Katie Grant
• Beauty
• Black Women
• Iweekend
• Race
• Unilever
Unilever, one of the world’s biggest consumer goods manufacturers and the owner of brands including Simple, Dove and Tresemmé, announced it is to eliminate the word “normal” from all of its beauty and personal care brands’ packaging and advertising.
-> never to digitally alter models’ bodies or skin colour in its adverts, and to increase the number of ads that feature under-represented groups. ->“Positive Beauty” strategy, which, the company said, is intended to “champion a new era of beauty which is equitable and inclusive”.
Doing away with “normal” is “one of many steps we are taking to challenge narrow beauty ideals
Lekia Lée, 53, from London, suspects Unilever might be riding on the coattails of the Black Lives Matter movement with its new pledges, but believes the company’s announcement is representative of a cultural shift, which is a development to be applauded.
Lée is the founder of Project Embrace, an initiative celebrating Afro textured hair. It began a decade ago as an online platform where black and biracial women could discuss hair
Lée’s journey to acceptance might have taken significantly less time had consumer goods powerhouses such as Unilever been more inclusive when it came to producing and marketing haircare products.
Unilever’s own record is not blemish-free. Dove, one of the biggest personal care brands in the UK, has been accused of racism more than once in recent years.
Ten years ago, an advert for a body wash appeared to suggest that the product could lighten people’s skin tone, making it more “beautiful”. The advert featured a “before” and “after” skin chart and three women standing in front, ordered from darkest skin tone to lightest.
Then, in 2015,-> lotion advertised the product as for use on “normal to dark skin”. Dove said that it had discontinued this labelling in 2012 and the bottles should not have made it to shelves.
Veronica Bentley, 53, a hairdresser specialising in Afro hair, welcomes Unilever’s announcement, but is not yet convinced the company will continue to prioritise diversity long-term.
Anlyze the article
news story is time-sensitive.
In a news story, the emphasis is on content rather than form.
News stories tell what the news is upfront and then give the most important details in the first paragraph or two.
-> headline is to arouse interest in the reader by introducing the topic of the article-> Straightforward headline but leaving the topic pending without being summarized, therefore being->Teasing headlines.
-> delayed lead as it does not tend to summarize the whole topic but tries to attract the reader's attention starting with an almost philosophical introduction and raising questions in the mind of the reader
->body of the article is a sequence of information that follows the main topic and, in my opinion,-> inverted pyramid, as it puts the main arguments at the beginning and then expands on the general and on examples or opinions of interviewees
->end of the article does not add important information but ends with a question that remains unanswered by Veronica Bentley, a hairdresser specializing in afro hair, which raises the same doubt in the reader
-> simple and understandable to anyone so that it can reach as many people as possible.-> vocabulary is of daily use and we can find within it many quotes from people who are interviewed and on the opinion of this new way to not discriminate -> examples that refer to the various discriminations that were made previously by different brands of beauty products
-> photos showing the people referred to.
I chose this article because I believe that it is often assumed that normalcy is what we see most often that usually gives us a sense of familiarity. but I am convinced that in reality the term "normal" by itself does not mean anything. normality does not exist.