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Exploring Podcasting in English as a Foreign Language Learners’ Writing…
Exploring Podcasting in English as a Foreign Language Learners’ Writing Performance
Ebrahim Mohammed. Bamanger * Riyadh Abdulrahman Alhassan College of Education, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Language learning is obviously witnessing a shift in research area from Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL).
Purpose is to investigate the impact of the use of computers in the teaching and learning of both maternal and foreign languages, to Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL)
In Saudi Arabia, English is taught as a foreign language. Although the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is accelerating day by day in the field of education, the level of achievement in learning English as a foreign language is still far below the acceptable one (Rahman & Alhaisoni, 2013).
Statement of the Problem
Sengupta and Jepsen (2006) asserted that most ESL students experience challenges in achieving English proficiency.
Woodrow (2006) believed that ESL students often experience anxiety when interacting with native English speakers.
Listening to native English teachers, ESL students may be hesitant to ask inquiries and request further amplification that may support them in gaining deeper understanding of lectures and course materials
Literature Review
The emerging of the influential Web 2.0 technological applications (Ushioda, 2011), podcast lectures :
Can be seen as a very powerful teaching and learning instrument, which fruitfully can involve various media features such as photos, texts, audios, and videos.
Podcasting Technology
Podcast series can be transferred and downloaded to various types of electronic portable devices such as MP3, or mobile phones, and then can be watched or listened to at any time or any place (Evans, 2008).
Language learners who have an access to the technology can autonomously employ and exploit podcasts to build on their classroom learning whether at home
helps them increase their exposure to the target language and culture, and improve their language skills.
Results and Discussion
Descriptive analysis and paired samples t-tests were conducted to examine the effect of podcast writing instruction and to find out whether the study’s groups, experimental group and the control one.
Similarly, in Evans’ (2008) study, participants stated that podcasts were a good tool for reviewing their subject matter. Via the implementation of podcasts as a supplementary tool, language teachers could keep learners motivated to study even outside the classroom (O’Bryan & Hegelheimer, 2007).
Podcasting technology could be implemented as an effective language teaching instrument that provides teachers the advantage of extending their lectures beyond the classroom limit and allows the learners to access the language material at any time and in any place .