EFL learners' perceptions and attidudes towards English for the Specific Purposes
Purpose-The ultimate goal of this article is to determine students attitude to English for Specipic Purposes and learn about their opinions
expansion around the universities
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Type of methodology
Students' attitudes towards EGP
Is it vital in future job?
Is it prestige to know specific terms?
Is it interesting or boring
The third and half of graduates strongly agree and agree considering using English prestige and civilization
Students' attitudes towards for Specipic Purposes
Students' responds according to have English classes with occupational content
Suprisingly, to the question of mandatory of these courses 72% of the students who agree to have classess of ESP , only 36/100 want these courses obligatory. in reality it was crucial to have a different decision in the
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Familiarity with specific terms :
From researches' perspective
From my understanding
Having read and analyzed the research it was clear that 2/3 students are aware of the lack of knowledge in specific terms and needs to learn ESP, they need vocabulary added to the syllabus
Problem- Students of territary education complain about their knowledge on specific fields
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In most depeloped and peveloping countries teaching and learning English became purposive or more specialzed
While having a questionnaire on students' attitude towards ESP there revealed the fact that 2/3 students are unfamiliar with basic specific terms. This one is a key question because all university professors complain about the learners knowledge on special occupational field and learners are aware of it.
During the discussion of learners attitude to Enlish 8 student out of 100 found not interesting accordingly 12 students find it boring
Half of the students do not prefer English to other subjects but 1/3 learners fhighly respect the significance of learning English
83% of undergraduates agree that English is vital in future por promotion and in job market
Being upper-intermediate students, over 50% of respondents trust themselves in productive skills and 28 % of then are confident, feel free in speaking and writing communication outside of classroom.
2/3 of respondents want to add subject specific phrases from their occupational sphere to the syllabus of their course
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The number of students who agree to have English classes in which they study English about their occupational field is egual to the second question, this means they are aware of their needs in the perspectives of ESP
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Importance of English in job market
2/3 of trainees are confident in the significance of English in future job market, also are aware of their lack knowledge needs
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questionnaire with agree and disagree; yes and no answers
Their awareness of having English classes for specific terms originated from difficulties of understanding lectures and reading texts. That's why, they consider that ESP classes would be essential for their future job unless they are not eager to have ESP classes as mandatory one/
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Having read the class readings, especially " Needs analyses and Curriculum Development' by LYNNE FLOWERDEW I have realized that taking questionnaire as research method for a such complicated topic is not enough. Long (2005) suggests that icluding all inductive and deductive methods, unstructured interviews with follow up questionnares.
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Mahmut Ugur Arslan, Azamat Akbarov Acta Didactica Napocensia, Volume 5 Number 4 2012
LYNNE FLOWERDEW , Needs Analysis and Curriculum development in ESP9p.235-236)
International University of Sarajevo