Collective protection should be understood as that safety technique whose primary and preferential objective is to provide simultaneous protection to workers exposed to a given risk, either by covering the dangerous elements or by preventing access to them.
The primary and preferential objective is to provide simultaneous protection to workers exposed to a given risk, either by covering the dangerous elements or by preventing access to them; for example, the covers of transmission belts in a machine, handrail nets, etc., can serve as an example.
example, the casings of the transmission belts on a machine, handrail nets, etc.
It is therefore, this principle that every preventionist should have as a reference, It is therefore, this principle that every preventionist should have as a reference, of risk that can be manifested in the workplace, being very convenient
It is therefore this principle that every preventionist must have as a reference, and it is very convenient to work, reflect or "invent" the applications that will result in collective protections that benefit groups of people.
A continuación y como respuesta a los peligros que de manifiestan en distintas actividades laborales describimos diferentes protecciones colectivas: Barandillas de Seguridad, Entibación, Tirantes de apoyo