Supervisor meeting notes - 2021-06-14

Kate and Mark present

Roman Baths Foundation Funding

Email Stephen to arrange a chat while I am at Bath

Easiest route would be through BU alone, and have more than enough money in student pot

Only he can answer questions like how much money should I apply for, can expenses be justified by RBF, is this political or practical? etc.

Ultimate decision rests with me, but would be valuable experience

External examiner response

Asked if he is appropriate given archaeological science elements of thesis

Kate will reply with thesis plan or other appropriate response

Go through abstracts to find most recent submission, which may reassure him

is there anything else I can spend the money on to justify it, whether equipment, training etc?

Would be good to go through idea for York Street CBM project with him and see if he thinks it feasible and/or preferable

How long would it take? Objectives? Salary?

Get an application drafted ASAP as should be straight forward and good experience, will be conditional on SMC but will include application to them as evidence

Writing progress

Get second half of chapter finished for saturday (if not before)

Thesis word count

On 59k so far

Archaeology theses squarely in 80-90k range, so on track to be in that rangeish

Don't worry about word count right now, as can be sorted later

Leaves only 30k (at very maximum!) for methods, results, discussion and conclusion though!

Likely supervised Sara Machin, and also have Sarah Elliott as another reviewer, so should be fine

Progress with CBM analysis

possible Eccles material, though perhaps unlikely

Legionary(?) connections to CBM from Caerleon for moulding bricks and pipes

Westhampnett voussoirs appear to be distinct phase of production at Minety, though far from certain

Took a range of photos of unique features with digital microscope but Maurice could not identify them

More analysis in Bath this week, hoping to get remainder of CBM there completed

Rework abstracts if none suitable for submission to Mike Fulford