69-year-old female postoperative Left Knee Arthroplasty on 6/5 admitted to rehab on 6/8 for physical and occupational therapy. The patient has a previous history of hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus type 2, depression, Hyperlipidemia, CVA that left the patient having a right-sided weakness. The patient is alert and oriented x4, needs help ambulating, Vitals are temp 98, Pulse 55, respiratory rate 16, BP 137/63, O2 Sat 98%, Glucose is 145 and Pain is 7 out of 0-10 pain scale, the surgical wound is intact and no s/s of infection. Continue OT and PT, Manage pain, and change the dressing of surgical wound as needed
It has not been determined when the patient will be discharged from rehab. During the patient's stay she will continue therapy to improve functional ambulation patter, strength and endurance and balance. The patient will show safety and awareness to reduce fall risks. The patient will improve ambulation without assisting device and independent ADLs. The patient will be discharged to her 1 level home with her daughter.