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Essay, Led, Overview, Prompts for writing, My goals, Overview of essay,…
cultural responsiveness
tuakana teina
The focus for this Assessment [5,000-6,000 words]
is your critical evaluation and reflection of your leadership and collaboration throughout the project:
How you led;
in your project,
in your project team
How you collaborated;
in your project,
in your project team
How your project / your leadership/ your collaboration was/were culturally responsive,
How the practice informed theory on collaboration and leadership influenced what you did? (the term ‘practice-informed theory’ means a theory that is found to be relevant to or informing/supporting your project during the implementation.).
Ngā Pātai Whakakīkī - Critical Questions
How much of the draft for the critical essay have you completed?
What are the theories of leadership/collaboration/culturally responsive practice that have informed your project?
What are their strengths and weaknesses? How have they informed the leadership and collaboration in your project.
How are your reflections on leadership and collaboration are related to the theories as well as their strengths and weaknesses?
What definition(s) should you include in the essay?
How structured and/or coherent is the draft?
How much time did you plan to proofread the essay and check the referencing?
Prompts for writing
Prompts for your writing
How much of the draft for the critical essay have you completed?
What are the theories of leadership/collaboration/culturally responsive practice that have informed your project?
What are their strengths and weaknesses? How have they informed the leadership and collaboration in your project.
How are your reflections on leadership and collaboration are related to the theories as well as their strengths and weaknesses?
What definition(s) should you include in the essay?
How structured and/or coherent is the draft?
How much time did you plan to proofread the essay and check the referencing?
My goals
Emily Malone
Proactive approach
Critically evaluate - googles on.
Develop more Interpersonal skills
Knowledge of digital fluencies.
Improve collaborative practice.
Cater for diverse learners
Creative rather than reactive
Overview of essay
The focus for Assessment 9200.2 is your critical evaluation
and reflection of your learning about your leadership and collaboration throughout part 3.This Assessment [5,000-6,000 words] is your critical evaluation and reflection of your leadership and collaboration throughout the project:
How you led; both within your project and with your project team - weaving on relationships communication, vision and observing trends on how children learn by doing - timetable used current school structures, built on trust. transformative change complex and servant
How you collaborated in your project, and with your project team, we exist to evolve team goals linked with whole school unit themes so vision coherent with that.
How your project / your leadership/ your collaboration was/were culturally responsive,- tuakana teina manakitanga respect in communicating
How the practice informed theory on collaboration and leadership influenced what you did? made me more consciously aware of an overview of the structure.
Heifetz, R., Grashow, A. & Linsky, M. (2009a). Leadership in a (permanent) crisis. Harvard Business Review, 87 (7,8), 62-69
Retrieved from:
Retrieved from:
diverse leadership
Cifien model complexity leadership living in chaos in world how to navigate through.
being comfortable with feeling uncomfortable
transformative change = change
distributed leadership
servant leadership.
Sharing resources
information age = share as goes quick
1/ Critical evaluation of how practice informed theory and culturally responsive practice informed your collaboration and leadership within your project.
In the work for this criterion in your submission, you need to indicate all the practice-informed theories/models/principles and clarify how they were relevant to the project. You then need to briefly explain them as well as highlight their respective strengths and limitations. After that, the essay should evaluate how the theories/models/principles have informed or influenced the project.
Adaptive, transformative Ciefin model crisi covid, servant leadership sandwiched in foloowership agile - pivotting imporatnt aspct alsoSonny magna yet NZ context needed to be reflected on also, key competencies and witenssing how others lead in their practice, no size fits all yet need
pancrea of energy
Ako relationships
Tino Rangatiratanga
Critical evaluation of how practice informed theory and culturally responsive practice informed your collaboration and leadership within your project.
APA 3 main references
MoE. (2014). Leadership and the key competencies. Retrieved from
2/ Discuss how your critical evaluation and reflection of your leadership in part 3 has impacted/shaped your learning.
3/ Discuss how your critical evaluation and reflection of your collaboration during part 3 has impacted/shaped your learning
Similar to the work for the second criterion, you should evaluate how the collaboration theories/models/principles used during the implementation have worked in practice, how their respective strength and weaknesses have impacted on the progress of your project (this explains why you need the work for the first criterion and also this is where you need to make connections to those parts of the essay)
You should also discuss how Cultural Responsive Practice is related to the applied collaboration theories or models. Again, it would be more thorough to look at the collaboration in both your project and the project team although the extensions of the discussion don’t have to be the same
Play not to loose structure in the middle of reactive and creative want to be a prt of something great want a safe way to do it, no safe way of being great. May not have everyone like me, inhearant risk to leadership not everyone would like me.
no negative nancy
prompt unhookd thinking on whats on mind
Listen more POV different
Balance wellbeing
Know yourself
facilitation let go pf control authoritarian leadership
Te tangata and although small it is precious whakatouki wisdom seek.
Different types
Importace of followership
weaving anology not too tight/loose
how key competencies expected of children yet also need them as a leader how do i model them?
Discuss how your critical evaluation and reflection of your leadership in part 3 has impacted/shaped your learning
Discuss how your critical evaluation and reflection of your collaboration during part 3 has impacted/shaped your learning
In your work for this criterion, you should evaluate how the leadership theories/models used during the implementation have worked in practice, how their respective strength and weaknesses have impacted on the progress of your project (this explains why you need the work for the previous criterion and also this is where you need to make connections to those parts of the essay).
You should also discuss how Cultural Responsive Practice is related to the applied leadership theories or models. It would be more thorough to look at the leadership in both your project and the project team. Nevertheless, the extensions of the discussion don’t have to be the same.
Craetive internatlised sense of purpose build on what you believe in managing it its not managning me - leaderhsip literature fixed to this level, purpose system aware emotional intelligent relationally competent.
tribe learning to survive
reactive leadership vrs creative
reactive Creative intergral
The leadership circle
conscious and competence goes together
measure of effectiveness and competences living in complexity
Bob Anderson The Leadership Circle
Complexity of leadership
Education Council New Zealand. (2018a). The Leadership Strategy for the teaching profession of Aotearoa New Zealand. Retrieved from:
George, B., Sims, P., McLean, A. N., & Mayer, D. (2007). Discovering your authentic leadership. Harvard Business Review, 85(2), 129-138. Retrieved from: