South America:relief, hydrography, climate


Physical Regions

The extension is 18'005,000 km²

Population: 416,000,000 (2014)

Number of countries: 12

Languages: Spanish, Portuguese, English, French,

Population density: 20.8 hab./km²

Quechua, Aymara, Guaraní and hundreds from other
native languages.

Longest river: Amazonas (6,800 km, the longest of the

Highest peak: Aconcagua (6,960 masl, Argentina).

Largest lake: Titicaca (8,135 km²) (Bolivia and Peru).

The biological diversity of South America is unique among the continents of the entire world thanks to the unmatched number of species of fauna and flora it has.

Mountains and Highlands/Altiplano

The Andes mountain range is from the extreme south to the extreme north of the subcontinent on its western side.

The highest peak in the Andes, and the highest outside the Asian continent, is Aconcagua (6,962 meters) on the border between Argentina and Chile.

Outside of the Andes, both major high-altitude regions are found in Brazil and Guyana.

In the plateaus, the Peruvian Altiplano and Bolivia predominate with an altitude of about 3,700 meters.

Located south of the Amazon water flow, the Planalto do Brasil is made up of low mountains and plateaus that rise to an average altitude of 1,006 m. With its dense arboreal vegetation, this plateau occupies southern Venezuela, French Guiana, Guyana, northern Brazilians, and part of southeastern Colombia.

River basins

In South America there are three main rivers which are:

The Amazon River Basin: It has a surface area of 7 million km2, which makes it the largest river basin in the world. The Amazon is the vital force for the impressive Amazon biome.

This tropical biome has: more than 100 species of trees per square kilometer. Amazing animal life like: insects, primates, frogs, thousands of species of birds and fish.

Orinoco river basin: Has 948.00 km2, and flows north of the Amazon of the northern Guyana plateau.

The main biome of this basin is a vast savannah known as the Llanos. This biome It is the habitat of many species of birds such as piranha and electric eel.

Cuenca del río Paraguay / Paraná: It covers almost 2.8 million km2, which represents most of southeastern Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and northern Argentina.

In the Paraná river they are the Iguazú Falls Along with the Uruguay River, the Paraná the river empties into the estuary of the Río de la Plata. The Rio de la Plata is the most populated city between the two countries. This basin provides water to the plains biome known as the Pampa.

Coastal Plains

A coastal plain is an area of low, flat land near the coast, The Coastal plains of northeastern Brazil are extremely dry. In the western coastal plains there is humidity plains like those of Ecuador and dry plains like those of Peru and Chile so there is very little vegetation The average rainfall is about one millimeter per year and some parts of it I have never received a drop of water in recorded history. Although the Atacama



