Personal Example: An example of the self-concept that helped shape my emotional development is that I am able to clearly define attributes that make me who I am, whether it's physical, or mental. I can distinguish my physical appearance from my peers around me and can describe characteristics of myself. I can also look in the mirror and notice different things about my appearance. Another example is I can define myself as a "good student", "good friend", "kind person" and many more self attributes. All of this contributed to bettering my motor, cognitive and language skills, which I use ever single day. I also was able to gain an understanding between what is right and what is wrong using my own initiative. I am able to do all this because when I was younger, my parents would support me by letting me participate in physical activities such as skating, dancing, swimming, running, and biking. I would also ask many questions growing up and my parents never made them seem like a nuisance or that my motor activity/ play was bad or silly.