my stuff

what is it?

game plan : ------------
1 : organize everything I have related to elite, 2 : organize/rlly remember Doug+yanbo meeting stuff, 3... : DEEP dive into randomization stuff,
try to review/collect info about yanks stuff/projects/ideas, message him, GET ROCKINNNNNN

other stuff in the group

connections / thoughts I have about thiers

scales? (yanbo)

what is scale invariance? how accurately am I thinking of it?
is it weird that some things are scale invariant and not others?
are we always talking size-scale when we say scale invariant? (hmm, timescales? any else?)
are there sets of (related) things that are scale invariant?
what are the scales of the things that are scale invariant? (do things that are scale invariant live together on scales? ) (in my vision of flying through the scales, (up/down/...?) would some things repeat themselves together/at the same time, for me, as each other?

naive questions to da right :-)

soooo. time scales on a large scale get all crazy with time dilation.... and thats with GR...... but on a small scale.. don't? obvi not w GR but what is happening down there


are we too obsessed with size scales as humans? how 'fundamental' (or whatever im trying to say) is size? what is this difference in size? it doesn't seem just like, the diff in volume between two objects (e.g. the baseball and the electron). there's this border where things operate differently, according to different physics ! alright I have convinced myself maybe size scales are diff than I think eheheh



was just gonna say since size scales are what we have intuitively for 'ours' and can experience for smaller/larger in a way what we get from our exploration/minds --

why are there scales and why isn't everything scale invariant is what I wanna know HAHAHA
and are scale invariances related to symmetries at all or is that just me trying to mix semantics

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hello here's a spot


cell colective

'ours' : the one we live in, which I wonder if is just a huge experimental/observational/... constraint on our life kind

you gotcha two types:

spot (LEARNING :D)


current progress (meet with Cole)

things to know of/at least basics ? :) (immediate listing for Cole organization purposes but long term for just immediate toolbox knowledge) (a good reason to make a running list:) )

mo' junk for the free will trunk ;-)

I like thinking about how different populations on worlds, at least ones with enough similarity to us for us to talk about this, could have played out in terms of cooperative thinking and science and realizing and tapping into the power of collective knowledge - what can be done? (in general?) what could we have done, what could we do, if we were - as cheesy as it sounds at first hear - more cooperative, less competitive, and more together?
what if countries weren't enemies? what if less resources were spent on countries being and continuing to be enemies?
what if money didn't sit and collect in the accounts of certain individuals with concentrated money (in the distribution of all money)
what if there was a species less invested in all of this (maybe they'd need to be more removed from insecure/envious/egotistical emotions or maybe balanced somehow initially between races and genders and sexualities or or or) and instead invested in collectively bringing together science?
what is their set of possibilities?

does she think our collective human potential is predetermined by our initial chemistry? the chemistry we exist in at the timestep where we 'become conscious'? become life?

no she doesn't right? since the very thing life seems to do is change the space of possibilities over time

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im always wondering if there's some level/cutoff where we do and don't have free will - like, if we do in terms of 'I want a sandwich' or 'I think ill go on the date,' but we don't in terms of '

like maybe - does the species collectively have free will? or just the individual?
and the species' 'fate' is emergent and morphs over time according to all of the individuals' personal decisions ?

is there some/what is the boundary like this, having maybe to do with the amount of control one can have? and maybe how much members of a species agree on things/if they have a tendency to fight?

more on <-- :

** hm - also does it have to tho do with - the unknown thing of whether our minds can reach any 'level of intelligence/understanding', whether we are capable of comprehending everything comprehendible, whether everything is comprehendible, what our limit IS if we do have one.........

hm - maybe, if the biochem/'brain potential'(idk, see ** hehe) of all of the individuals is predetermined (or at least simply unchangable by us, for at least some amount of evolutionary time),
then (for that part of time), the collective potential is predetermined?

what do I mean by species potential? I dunno ! :-) spatial limits on how far we can travel into space? temporal limits on how long we can persist in time? neurological limits? computational limits? energy limits? what is possible? what does the space of all possible things in the universe look like? how much of that space comes from possibilities brought into existence by life? by us?

  • constructor theory

priority things to have down: progress/try to fix need installation problemos, get cell collective stuff done, have a lil map of skimmed papers related to aspects of my projects, outline what I think my projects are and what im confused about, basic machine learning vids, github/git learning, pytorch experimentation!

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things I can ask Doug: things he recs for git/github (and what's most important to learn on it for these kinds of purposes)?

meet w yanbo

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are all for things that seem variant, are we just not seeing the whole picture somehow? (an extremely naive idea:) )

topological randomization

dynamical randomization

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