HSP 3U: Introduction to Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology




Schools of Thought

Psychodynamic Theory

Behavioural Pyschology

Developmental Psychology

Humanistic Psychology

Analyitical Psychology

Schools Of Thought

Symbolic Interaction

Conflict Theory

Schools Of Thought

Functional Theory

Cultural Materialism




Interdependence within social systems

success in meeting the needs of individuals

Functionality in beliefs, actions, and relationships

importance in long-term survival

Marvin Harris

Cultural development depends on...



Food Supply

Culture develops through trial and error

if there's no value to development, it disappears

Religion must be valuable

Law must be valuable

Government must be valuable

Application to sacred cow (Hindu)

Cows are used for agriculture in India

True Knowledge about the world is impossible

Anthropologists cannot study objectively

Personal Influence and relationships develop between subjects

Participants become effected by informants


Deconstruct "truth" in society

Examine beliefs, practices, and judgment

Reflect how they are influenced during research

Examine Fossils and tools from the past

Try to learn about ancient life




Cause of death

Age of subject at death

Diet of subject

Habitat of subject

Learn how neandrathals made tools

Accessible materials at there time

Discoveries made at this time

Sharpened rocks for various uses

Represented the world at the time

How neandrathals taught and learned

recreational activities at the time

Animals commonly hunted

Louis Leakey

Studied human fossils in Europe and Asia

Proved evolution began in Africa

Migrated trhoughout the world

Social Animals

Interact with other members of species

Achieve goals and work together

Family units support and live among each other

Elderly teach the young

Humans, monkeys, ants

Louis Leakey

Had influence in primatology

Was not a primatologist

Believed studying primates could aid in
learning of ancient humans.

Sponsor to famous Primatologists to study among primates

Jane Goddall

Lived among chimpanzees and studied in the 60s

Changed view on primates and humans

"What it means to be human"

1950's Assumptions of humans

Only species with language

Only species with personality

only species with feelings

Proved 1950's assumptions wrong

Nothing stopping primate species from experiencing human like evolution and intellegence

Commonalities between primates and humans (natural occurances)

Research found primates can use tools, sign language and art


creation of tools


Hatred and Love


Studies societies interdependent

Explores functionality of all elements of society

Family contributes to...


takes care of members

Raises members of society

Small scale study of society

Focus on Individuals of development of beliefs and actions through daily life

Humans need to find meaning in interactions

Shape humans perception of people and things including ourselves

Humans ability to be productive

Satisfies needs as individuals

competition between groups for resources and power

Route of social class division

Emile Durkham

Humans need some degree of control

Belief in rules and society

Believes humans are naturally immoral

Karl Marx

Created communism "Marxism"

Believe control and power comes with wealth

Theory modified by Max Webber

Power can come with a variety of things

Carl Jung Theories

Self Awareness allows us to overcome challenges

Understanding out own personalities by...

analyzing attitudes

analyzing motivations

analyzing reactions to challenge

Understand unconscious decisions to alter conscious choices

Change patterns

Change behaviours

Change usual outcomes

"I am what I choose to become"

4 Personality Types





Created terms introvert and extrovert

The way we change through different moments in our life

Sigmeund Frued

Freuds stages of development

Pleasures relation to maturity

Prerequisite to each other

Fixation on early developmental stages comes from unresolved biological conflict

Oral, anal, or phallic conflict

Can cause behaviours stemming from those areas

Smoking, overeating, nail biting

Jean Piaget

Studies IQ at various ages

Children case study

Lead to theories in developmental pyschology

Influences institutions like education

Appropriate learning material for each age

Harry Harlow

Studied primates in order to study human actions

Children had attachment to carers

Studied stronger need: Physical or emotional

Surrogate mother experiment

Shows Dependance on caregivers for more than just physical needs

Emotional needs are important for attachment

Emotional lack at a young age contributed to issues in later life

Erik Erikson

Believed in continuous development

Growth doesn't only depend on personal experiences, but society too

Adolescent experience identity crisis that varies depending on time period or society

Teens create unconscious conflicts do to self-consciousness

Sigmund Freud Theories (mostly incorrect)

First school of psychology and created the entire idea of psychology

Proven mostly incorrect

Conscious Mind

The mental process you are aware of

Everything you think, and imagine

Unconscious Mind

Actions done without thought

Gut feelings or reactions





Pleasure driven

Human desire

Subconscious/ instinct

Rational and conscious

Balance of impulse and pleasure against needs and obligations

Unconscious and conscious

Moral duties

thought and care for others

Oedipus Complex

Penis Envy

Castration Anxiety


Observational Learning

Observation and imitation of others

Operant Conditioning

Key terms

Behaviour is untaught(Punishment)

Behaviour is taught(Reinforcement)

Stimulus is removed(Negative)

Stimulus is added(positive)

Skinner's experiments

Trained a rat to click a button (action) to receive a reward of food (stimuli)

Rewarded pigeons at random (stimuli) to observe what actions they believed caused this stimuli

Train to complete an action for stimuli

Classical Conditioning

Little albert experiment

Explained that phobias are learned behaviours

conditioned fear (behaviour) in response to white fluffy animals (stimuli)

immoral experiment: caused trauma in a baby

Pavlov's experiment

Fed everytime a bell was sound

Explained reaction to stimulus

Trained a dog to salivate(behaviour) to a bell (stimulus)

Trained behaviour in response to stimuli


Focus on patients involvment in thepary

Focus on future growth over development

Works with qualitative approaches

Abraham Maslow

Founded the Hierarchy of Needs

  1. Self Actualization
  1. Esteem
  1. Love/ Belonging
  1. Safety
  1. Psychological

Must be completed from bottom to top

Issues with Hierarchy

Self actualization referred to white males with education

Idea of prerequisite stages

Excluded creative or impoverished individuals