Learner Digital Stories in a Web 2.0 Age

Web 2.0 tools:




require multileteracies


student-centered with collabarative opportunities

Digital storytelling

Using digital image, audio, and video

Seven elements


personal artifacts and a variety of multimedia tools to narrate the story

Seven elements of the framework of Lambert for the conception and development of didgital stories

emotional content

emphasis on the dramatic question

the gift of the storyteller's voice

point of view





collabarative conversations around digital images, documents, videos, or the combination of all

slides with users narration or text using the commenting feature

comments: voice, a movie, text, a doodling tool

opportunities for peer and instructor feedback


The objective of the project:to create a storyabout an event that happend to them an affected their life or the life of somebody they know

Effectiveness of digital stories in educational setting

student learning suppor

higher order thinking

improvement of student writing language, and literacy skills.

Project description the duration-4 weeks; the number of students-48; the nationality- Chinese and Korean;

Conclusion Web 2.0 digital stories- enjoyable and interactive way of teaching