Target situation as a key element for ESP (Law Enforcement) syllabus design
G.Benavent, S.Sanchez-Reyes

Foreign languages in the National Police School


National Police School

University of Salamanca in Avila

New Curriculum

Globalization criterion

coordinated work with international police forces

operate under joint command in the EU

English- function oriented skills of law enforces

Current situation in police English


"Communication in English"

Foreign language Specific Purposes of Law Enforces

reduction the number of students in groups from 40-45 to 25

Teaching the language system

Teaching the language use

Needs Analysis

15 representative police stations were analyzed

elaboration of the questionnaire

130 further police station filled the questionnaire

Communicative requirements

Syllabus design

Authentic materials

web pages

TV news broadcasts and reality shows

legal texts from English speaking countries

videotyped police proceedings

recorded interviews

Types of tasks

Initial stages

Latter stages

writing reports

managing databases in English

filling in forms

situational communication exchanges



traffic interventions

suspect interviewing


citizen's requests


Nargizakhon Jabborkhonova 5T