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Engineering DP Space - Coggle Diagram
Engineering DP Space
[Internal] DevProd Processes
DP Pagerduty/Bug triage process (no content) UPDATE
Triggers from New relic & Jenkins: Add content
DP Swim lanes update (no content) UPDATE
DP Release checklist (no content) UPDATE
DP Deployment processes
(no content)
Fact service deploy process (Move to How to's)
DP Monitoring/Alerting
Expressline requests
DevProd Roadmap, OKRs & Key Projects
(no content)
DP Roadmap (no content)
DP Key Projects
2018-04-01 - Automated DB Migration for Monolith CI/CD Pipeline
DP OKRs (no content)
DP metrics tracking & monitoring
DevProd how tos
DP How to Docs
(no content)
How to: Modify a Build Pipeline to Support Push Button Environments
How to: Publish an Internal NPM Module
How to: Archive a Github repository
How to Enable the GitHub JIRA App
How-to: Add new github repository
How to: Setup Jenkins Deployments on an EKS Cluster
How to: Setup Jenkins Kubernetes Service Provisioning on an EKS cluster
Fact service deployment process
[Internal] Incident run books
How to: Assign All Pager Duty Alerts to Yourself
Pricing Service K8s Definition Migration
Emergency Rollback
How to Initiate a Continuous Integration Incident
Determining the Priority of Incidents and Issues
On call duties/how to
How to reboot Jenkins when down
Administrative How-to's
[Admin Only] How-to: Perform various administrator tasks for Jenkins
Restore Jenkins with Backup Data
Update Jenkins's Github Webhook IP Allowlist
Change Build Agent AMIs
Add SSH Key to Pagely (Wordpress)
[Admin only] How-to: ssh into a jenkins build agent for debugging
[Internal] How To articles
🚄 Kubernetes Definitions Migration
.yml ReplicationControllers to Deployments
.yml Deployments to .jsonnet Deployments
☁️ Kubernetes Administration for EKS
How-to: Add Credentials in Jenkins
How-to: Add Credentials in Jenkins
Compliance how toos
DB Changes
Product Deploy Access
SLDC processes
DevProd Investigation/Research
(no content) - UPDATE
DP Spikes (no content)
DevProd Research Archive
(non content)
[Internal] Proposals
Dedicated GitOps Operator for the kubernetes-definitions Repository
Use Cases for a Quality Engineer on Developer Productivity
[DRAFT] Hotfix Branch Release Strategy
Upgrade Jenkins Agents or Agent Strategy
[DRAFT] SmartPBE Supporting Infrastructure
[Internal] Draft ERDs
DRAFT ERD: Jenkins to AWS EKS authentication
DRAFT ERD: AWS Lambda Creation Automation
DRAFT ERD: AWS Lambda Creation Automation
DP Team Onboarding
Link - Engineering onboarding documentation
DP Onboarding process (Internal)
Provisioning vs deployment
DP Mission + vision (no content)
update with DP functions/responsibility
TBD: mission/vision
Best practices & standards
DP Change management policy
DP Tools:
Tools we support/own/responsible for
Internally developed tools/External tools with links
Internal Tools
How to: Delete Artifactory with permissions issue
Async Task Runner/Scheduler
Quick Start
AWS Token generator
Earnest Database Sanitizer
EST DB Sanitizer knowledge base (Links)
ADR 2 - Python
ADR 1 - Serverless Infrastructure
Earnest Sanitized Database Process Overview (Part 1)
Earnest Sanitized Database Process Overview (Part 2)
Earnest Sanitized Database Process Overview (Part 3)
Process Outline
What is the user password in sanitized DB
How to: 1-click loading of EST sanitized DB
Jenkins (Links)
FAQ: Jenkins CI/CD Support FAQs
Jenkins architecture: diagram
Jenkins Admin
Jenkins Disaster Recovery Runbook
Jenkins Upgrade Admin Runbook
Jenkins agents
Jenkins credentials management: Github
Input parameter handling to avoid command
Jenkins and splunk
Rotating CI user account credentials
How to remediate fill disk on Jenkins master
[Draft] Jenkins Best Technical Practices
Build Pipeline Discussion Channels: list of slack channels for discussion by team
Jenkins Organizational Best Practices
Build Pipeline Promotion Decision Tree
How-to: Manually Start a Build in Jenkins
Possible actions for when Jenkins is in a bad state
Jenkins how-to's
How to access earnest private NPM repository
How to add a build pipeline to jenkins
How to add coveralls repo token to jenkins
How to display mocha test report in Jenkins
How to manually test Jenkins pipeline library
Jenkinsfile (declarative pipeline) reference
Pull request merging decision tree
PG AUth (deprecated tool)
How to: Connect monolith to a sanitized db with client-rest
How to: Request for access to a production database supported by pgauth
Gogo DB?
External Tools (no content)
AWS Lambda (no content)
How to: Configure your Lambda function to access Vault™ secrets using KMS
How to: Build python libraries for Lambda functions
Continuous Integration
ADR 8 - Jenkins
ADR 9 - Using Github authentication over Okta in Jenkins
Sonar Cloud
Quality profiles
How to give quality profile permissions to users
SonarCloud integration into Application build pipelines
DP Runbooks/Metrics
DP Inccident Runbooks
how to initiate a CI incident
Emergency runbook
Determining the priority of incidents and issues
pricing service k8s definition migration
KPI Metrics tracking
2020 KPI Metrics
2021 KPI Metrics
DP Squad level Information
DevProd Team
Career development path (no content)
DevProd 3rd Party Integrations
(no content)
Request a plugin installation on Jenkins