To strengthen
And develop teaching learning process
3To create sustain develop a culture of achievement
Personal vision
To bring 21st century learnings and set a culture of 5E plan set high standard for self , students and school which wil kee overall development of students to grow up a good citizen
Objective 4
To achieve students learning outcomes
Objective 1
To strengthen leadership and managerial practices of school leaders
LLS - Helps to develop skills for betterment of students
Set a culture of proactive teachers and students especially girl students to be independent to led better life in future
Teacher's cteate 5E lesson plan sustain culture of same
Develop innovative methods with help of PLC and TPL practices
Complete innovative project and continue innovative project in schools involvement of stakeholders
Students motivation program - LCM
SAA - students aluminia to support students to apply 4C in future
Set culture of achievement students participation increases
Develop life skills Among students
Students learn better with help of tech online classes
Improvement in attendance on online classes
Achieve better results
Set culture of SLO bring out strategies for improvement through plc and TPL
PCG PCR practices
SHM is not appointed
AHM also retired in September 2020
School strength is good
Spacious and supportive trustee
Droup rates may be more
Girls students get marry at early
No basic amenities may loose interest in further studies
School is functioning well in absence of SHM
Proactive staff
School vision
Moving from mediocrity to excellence
To reduce drop out rate involvement of parents
Educating parents
Conducting worksshop
Providing financial help
Improve SLO
100% attendance
Independent girl students
Implementation of 4 C