Brisbane Events
[Problem Requirements]
Client Position 👤
User Problems 👥
Impacts 💥
User Inferface 📱
Brisbane highschool student
Interested in making a list of events to share with friends
Brazilian studen studying at UQ
Want's to know what events are happening in Brisbane
Has a small group of friends and is new to the country
Time poor uni student
Often has family visit from overseas and wants to take them to events that showcase Brisbane
Loves night-time events
Usability Principles
Be accessible on iOS devices
Provide dynamic data feeds of up to date activities
Use publicly available web API dataset
Must comply with Australian accessibility standards
Must incorporate dynamic event data
6 weeks to complete
Home Screen
Coming Up Events Screen
My Events Screen
Must be able to receive data and display it by converting it into a different format
Brisbane Festival App
Event Info Screen
displays 'featured' events (two upcoming events that are close to the current date)
list of upcoming events
filter by location, date and time
press on event to go to event info screen
shows list of the user's favorited events
press on event to be taken to event info screen
displays information about event (Name, time, duration, location, date, sign-up link, cost, repeat times]
'favourite' button which adds event to 'My Events' screen
location of event shown on map
Improve mental and physical health of Brisbane citizens of all ages
Allow for people to socialise and organise gatherings easier
Events are publicised easier allowing for bigger turnouts and earnings
Alerts for confirmation when user wants to remove an event from their own list [Safety]
Commonly used icons and symbols such as the magnifying glass for the search function [Learnability, Effectiveness]
Verdana must be the primary font. (CUE) [Accessibility]
Body text must be 80% the size (minimum) of the default. (CUE) [Effectiveness]
Colour scheme that is nice to look at and contrasts the font so that it remains readable. [Effectiveness, Accessibility]
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