How can we improve energy usage in SA?
Wind Power
Solar Power
Hydro Power
Geothermal Power
Hydrogen Power
Biomass Power
Coal/Fossil Fuels Power
Nuclear Power
Making a hydrogen fuel cell
Using electrolysis to split hydrogen and oxygen in water
How to make it more efficient as more energy is needed to produce hydrogen at the moment
Could you make an endless loop so that dams are not required
Is there a better way to store water
Is there a way to minimise carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels
Is there a way to use carbon emissions as a power source
Is there a way to make solar panels more efficient
Can you catch rays directly from the sun in space?
Do we need this when we can use renewables
Is there a way to minimise carbon emissions from burning organsims
Can we get closer to the core of the earth to catch more heat? And can we achieve this cheaply
How can we make it more efficient?
Can you use nuclear waste to produce energy? As there is a lot of it lying around
Can you make it 100% safe? Is there a way to not produce any waste or to stop all failures?
What angle do the blades need to be to be the most efficient?
Is there a better way to catch more wind and turn the turbines faster?
Does the height of the turbine affect the efficiency
What angle does the wind have to hit the blade for more efficiency?
NASA has come up with a way to use carbon dioxide as power source through the use of photoelectrochemical cells composed of thin metal oxide films
The only possible way to do this is to burn less fuel. Most obvious.
There is a way for this to happen and scientists are trying to make the best environment to do it in
There are ways for solar panels to be built in space. There is already some out there called space-based solar panels (SBSP) that orbit the earth.
The only problem with this is transferring energy from orbit to the surface of the earth, wirelessly
Oil drillings have gone down to 5,000 meters and the temperature is 1,700 C
Tidal Power
One of the problems that this power source introduces is the fact that the turbines stir up the bottom of the ocean, affecting see life. Is there a way to distance the turbines from the ocean floor?
Does the power of the tide depend on how deep the turbines are?
Is it possible to make artificial tides outside of the ocean?