a. Substitution effect pasti sama baik inferior maupun normal goods.
b. Income effect: Normal goods real income naik, Q naik. Inferior: Real income naik, Q turun karena seek for higher quality goods.
Conclusion : inferior goods refer to income, beda sama giffen goods.
Substitution effect : all same for 3 kinds of goods PASTI selalu positif, karena compariosnnya si barang itu sendiri.
Income effect : Normal (posiitive) Inferior (Negative) Giffen (Negative) --> bisa beda2 tergntung bagaimana income digunakan (consumer behaviour).
Total effect : Normal and Inferior (downward slope) Giffen (Upward slope- Price decrease, Q decrease) - or Veblen Good (price increase, Q increase)
Substitution effect positive --> Price decrease --> Buying More --> Q naik .
Income effect positive --> Price decrease --> Buying More
Income effect negtaive --> Price decrease --> Buying Less.
Soal Penting :
:check: yang jadi penekanan adalah income --> Maka klasifikasi ke inferior atau normal good.
Kalo Price --> baru veblen dan giffen.
Soal penting NOmor 22 :
Giffen goods is inferior goods but veblen good is not inferuor goods.