Suddenly, in the middle of a game, you feel a sudden shake on your floor, at first you think that its probably juts the neighbors having a party, its the weekend afterall, but on second thought, you think that it might be an earthquake, do you continue gaming or do you leave ur home to safety in advance.
Continue Gaming
30 seconds later, you see the power to ur home has been cut off, you check your cables and even your power supply but it all seems fine, theres just no power for some reason
Go downstairs and take shelter in ur local 711 store, they tell you theres an earthquake and to go back to ur apartment and hide in the basement
When you're heading back theres a big shake and a car flips over, flip a coin if you land heads you survive and make it back if you land tails you die
You survived and made it back to the lobby, they tell you to hide in the basement
You wait the full 1 hour
You hear the radioman signalling that the earthquacke is over and you can now go back outside and that nothing major was really damaged, you survivied