From the diary of Anne Frank
CHARACTER SKETCH OF MR.KEESING ---The school where Anne went to receive her education had nine teachers out of which seven were men. Her Maths teacher Mr. Keesing was one of those seven. He was a very strict teacher. He didn’t like anyone talking in the class whereas Anne talked too much. One day he assigned her an extra piece of home-work which was an essay on ‘A Chatterbox’. Anne understood what her teacher wanted from her. She finished her assignment and decided to stay quiet in the class. She wrote the essay with convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking. Mr. Keesing liked her arguments that she was like her mother who was more talkative than her. Thus it was her inherited trait. Mr. Keesing being a hard task master wanted to ridicule Anne and so gave her two more assignments ‘Quack Quack Quack’ and ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox’. Anne took the help of her friend to write about the topic in verse and emerged successful. Mr. Keesing took the joke in the right way and allowed Anne to talk in the class. He understood that he had been wrong in telling her not to talk and in giving her extra homework.
CHARACTER SKETCH OF ANNE FRANK --- The author of the diary. Anne was born on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany, and was four years old when her father moved to Holland to find a better place for the family to live. She is very intelligent and perceptive, and she wants to become a writer. Anne grows from an innocent, tempestuous, precocious, and somewhat petty teenage girl to an empathetic and sensitive thinker at age fifteen. Anne dies of typhus in the concentration camp at Bergen-Belsen in late February or early March of 1945.
ANNE FRANK (12June 1929 - February/March 1945) was a German Jew. The thirteen-year-old Jewish girl wrote 'The Diary Of Anne Frank' while in hiding with her family and four friends in Amsterdam during the Nazis' occuupation of the Netherlands in World War II. After two years in hiding, the group was betrayed and transported to a concentration camp in Bergen where Anne and her elder sister Margot died of typhus in 1945. Her father, Otto, the only survivor of the group found her diary and got it published in English under the name 'The Diary Of A Young Girl'
ANNE FRANK-----Author of 'From The Diary Of Anne Frank'
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OTTO FRANK----- Anne's father
EDITH HOLLANDER FRANK ----- Anne's mother
MARGOT FRANK-----Anne's sister
MRS. KUPERUS-----Anne's teacher in 6th form
MR.KEESING-----Anne's maths teacher whom she named 'the old fogey'
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Sanne-----Anne's Friend
From the Diary of Anne Frank is an autobiography of a young Jewish girl who wrote her thoughts in a diary. At first, she felt it was an unusual experience for her to pen down all her thoughts in pen and paper. She believed that no one in the near future would be interested to read about a young girl’s past experiences from her diary. However, she still decided to write her thoughts in her diary and named it “Kitty”. She considered her diary to be her true and loyal friend as she was lonely and had no friends to talk to. Anne felt that her diary had more capacity to absorb thoughts than people with low patience levels. Further, she mentioned how much she loved her family, especially her adorable father who gifted her the diary on her thirteenth birthday.On 20th June 1942, Anne stated how her entire class was nervous about their exam results. Although she was confident about other subjects, she wasn’t quite sure about mathematics. She and her friend, G pleaded the students to calm down and not make noise, but all in vain. She felt that about a quarter of the class were dummies who should be kept back in the same class as they did not participate in other activities.Besides, Anne also mentioned how the maths teacher, Mr Keesing was annoyed by her talkative nature. He would often punish her with extra homework whenever she talked more during his class. In the first punishment, he asked her to write an essay on ‘A Chatterbox’, which in itself was a weird topic for Anne. She gave a good thought about the topic and decided to present convincing arguments in her essay, justifying her points in support of talking. She mentioned that she would try to improve herself but she could not do anything about the trait that she inherited from her mother. When her teacher read the essay, he found it amusing and assigned her a second essay ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox’ for her unreformable talkative nature.However, during the third lesson Mr Keesing had read enough of her justifications and assigned her another topic entitled, ‘Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Mistress Chatterbox’ as a punishment for her incorrigible habit. Anne almost ran out of thoughts after writing essays on similar topics previously. This time she took the help of her friend, Sanne who was good at poetry and wrote the essay from beginning to end in satirical verse. When her teacher read the essay he took it lightly and thoroughly enjoyed it. Since then, Anne was allowed to talk in class and was never assigned any extra homework by Mr. Keesing.
12JUNE 1929 ---Anne [Annelies Marie]Frank is born in Frankfurt, Germany to parents Otto and Edith.
30 January, 1933--- Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. One month later, following an arson attack on the parliament building (Reichstag), Hitler introduces emergency laws that repress any political opponents.
20 March, 1933---The first concentration camp in Germany opens, at Dachau, near Munich.
24 March, 1933---The Enabling Act is passed by the Reichstag giving Hitler powers to rule by decree.
SUMMER 1933---The Frank family move to Holland to escape the growing persecution in Germany.
1 September, 1939---Germany invades Poland in defiance of an Anglo-French ultimatum.Two days later, Britain and France declare war on Germany. World war Two begins.
SUMMER 1941---Anne's grandmother gets operated.
January, 1942---Anne's grandmother leaves for heavenly abode
12June, 1942---Anne receives a diary for her thirteenth birthday.
20June, 1942---Anne writes her first diary entry.
5 July, 1942---Margot Frank receives a call-up notice from the Nazi' to return to Germany to work in a labour camp.
4 August, 1944---The Annex is raided by the security police following an anonymous tip-off.
End Of October, 1944---Anne and her sister Margot are transported from Auschwitz-Birkenau to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.
March, 1945---Anne and Margot both die of typhus, only a few days apart.
25June, 1947---Anne's diary is first published in Dutch.