Catholic Church and the Counter Reformation

Council of Trent

Came up with Anathema

has to have the scripture to prove their point

most important movement of the catholic counter reformation


did this for 18 years of what can we do better and lots of questions

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Lectures and objectives

Jesuits -The society of Jesus

The Catholic Church responded to the Protestant movement with the Counter Reformation.

The foundation has to be the bible -respect precedent

Wanted to affirm the Catholic doctrine


Pac-man - 765

Topo Racer - 8

Baroque and the Counter Reformation

St. Teresa of Avila said she wanted nuns to be educated

They wanted simple (get back to the roots)

Mission of the Counter Reformation is to educate


Council of Trent the society of Jesus and the revival of spiritually

Ignatus Loyola

wrote the book spiritual exercises

son of the Society of Jesus or Jesuits

became and excerpt in spiritual direction


inflamed by the ideals of courtly love and knighthood
