Catholic church and the counter reformation
Lectures and objectives
the Catholic Church formed a new order called the Jesuits led by Ignatius Loyola and emphasized education
the baroque art, music, and architecture style was adopted by the Catholic Church to bring out the strong emotions of the Christian faith
he Council of Trent (1545-1563) examined how the Catholic Church would reform for the better. It played a vital role in revitalizing the Roman Catholic Church in many parts of Europe
The Catholic Church responded to the Protestant movement with the Counter Reformation.
There were 3 things that were mainly focused on in the Catholic church an counter reformation.
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Council of trent
Baptism was a big argument and if you were not bathtised you would be Anathema. This is still an argument till this day if Baathist if needed for heaven.
The foundation of things is the scripture, tradition it is something we respect, magisterium teaching authority.
Affirmation- they acnolage the things going on
It was known you can not work your way to heaven only through grace may you then go to Heaven
they know they need to reform and do something New.
Jesuits and Ignatius Loyola
st. treesa trained people and mades to be better at there job.
This was known as the revial of the counter reformation.
He had many rules that people would have to follow.
There were many differnt people tht had jobes to trai other people.
he believed you are fighting satin and the worst thing.
Barboque and the counter Reformation
The counter reformation was held in weird places like bold places, domes an large masses.
many of the building made an dplaced were there based on the power behind it.
This spreed all around in the 17th and 18th century starting in Italy and moving to Europe.
there were many concerns about this and it causes masses and dramatic affects
The most important thing in the counter reformation is the styl.