The Whole Child needs developing--socially (as a member of multiple communities), emotionally, spiritually, morally, physically, intellectually, strengths, passions, unique qualities.
The school is a part of a home, area or district, city, national, and global community.
Children should be active learners.
They should construct their own knowledge and learn to think for themselves.
Learning should have a context or a big picture within which concepts authentically belong.
An educational institution should provide children with the opportunities and resources to receive what they need for healthy development.
Families and parents are the primary teachers of children, therefore they should be actively involved in a child's education.
Sometimes it is the role of the school to help families understand how they can best support their child.
Children learn best by doing, and through play and exploration.
It is good for them to create and build what they can imagine.
They need to be able to be responsible for self and community.
Attitudes of tolerance of diversity, understandings of differences and similarities, and open-mindedness should be cultivated.
Children should feel a sense of ownership of their learning and the learning environment. To that end, they should see themselves represented, and be able to see their progress in their work.
They should be able to revisit and improve upon concepts and their productions/creations.
Children must have the opportunity to interact with peers/teacher/materials/, and to support each other's learning.
A sense of safety and routine is essential so that children can feel comfortable to take risks.
Being that children will require digital literacy, they should have opportunities to use technology for research, connection to others outside of the classroom, for learning context, etc.
Time for explicit social and emotional learning and strategies (through games and engagement/discussion strategies) should be a regular part of the curriculum.
100 Languages as said by Malaguzzi for children to express themselves.
High quality project-based learning experiences--children should have an opportunity to experience these. They should have the opportunity to work in teams to develop good collaboration skills, to address problems that take place in the real world, to be able to present their work to an actual audience for feedback, to be able to use real tools and processes (such as design thinking and whatever tools specific to what they are exploring are) and materials to work on the solutions to the problem.
Exploration, self-exploration/passions finding, and inquiry can and should go hand in hand. It is a process with stages that should have names leading from exploration to the answer, solution, or finished product or presentation of findings.