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90 word french question - Coggle Diagram
90 word french question
Complex structure
Moins + ADJ + que = Less __ than
Le meilleur / la meilleure = The best
Plus + ADJ + que = More __ than
Le pire = The worst
Modal verbs
Je peux = I can
Je veux = I want
Je dois = I have
Je ne suis pas allé = I didn't go
Je ne joue jamais = I never play
Je n'envoie pas = I don't send
Il n'y a ni de piscine ni de bibiotheque
Si j'avais = If I had
Si je pouvais = If I could
Si j'étais = If I was
S'il était = If it was
Reflexive verbs
Ca m'interrese = It interests me
Je m'entendre bien avec = I get on well with
Ca me rend triste = It makes me sad
Ca m'énerve = It annoys me
Ca me rend heureux = It makes me happy
Me, te, se, nous, vous
En arrière-plan = In the background
Sous = Under
Derriere = Behind
Entre = Between
Devant = Infront of
Près de = Near
A côté de = Next to
Je suis acro a = I'm addicted to
Je suis fan de = I'm a fan of
Je me passionne pour = I have a passion for
A mon avis = In my opinion
Selon moi = In my opinion
Je trouve que = I find that
Je pense que = I think that
Je crois que = I believe that
Beaucoup = Much/a lot
Tres = Very
Assez = Quite
Trop = Too
Extrêmement = Extremely
Tellement = So much
De moins en moins = Less and less
De plus en plus = More and more
Un peu = A bit
Nouveau = New
Petit = Smal
Vieux =
Grand = Big
Chaud = Hot
Froid = Cold
Parfait = Perfect
Mauvais = Bad
Ennuyeux = Boring
Bon = Good
Agreable = Pleasant
Facinant = Fascinating
Drole = Funny
Beau = Beautiful
Pratique = Pratical
Casse-pieds/énervant = Annoying
Amusant = Fun
Rouge = Red
Vert = Green
Bleu = Blue
Jaune = Yellow
Orange = Orange
Blanc/Blanche = White
Noir = Black
Gris = Grey
Marron = Brown
Rose = Pink
Violet/Violette = Purple
Il faisait = The weather was
Il fait du soleil = It is sunny
Il fera = The weather will be
Il fait mauvais = The weather is bad
Il fait beau = The weather is good
Il peut = It is raining
Cependant/Pourtant = However
D'ailleurs = Although
Mais = But
En plus = In addition
Malheureusement = Unfortuntely
Vu que = Considering that
Par contre = On the other hand
Donc/Alors = So, therefore
Étant Donne que = Given that
Ou = Or
Pendant que = While
Time phrases
Depuis = Since, for
Jusqu’à = Up to, until
Avant = Before
Pendant = During
Apres = After
Pour = For
Il y a trois moins = Three months ago
De temps en temps = From time to time
En même temps
En ce moment = At the moment
Bienttot = Soon
Rarer verbs
Avoir l’intention de = To have the intention of
Etre censé = To be supposed
Demander = To ask
J'envoie = I send
J’espère = I hope