French Writing - Anna
Opinion adjectives
Car - as
Parce que - because
Puisque - since
Ou - or
Cependant / pourtant - however
Pendant que - while
Donc / alors - so
Mais - but
Donne que - given that
Vu que - considering that
Et - and
Parfait - perfect
Degoutant - disgusting
Mauvais - bad
Ennuyeux - boring
Fascinant - fascinating
Agreable - pleasant
Bon - good
Negative phrases
Je ne suis pas allé(e) - I didn't go
Je ne joue jamais - I never play
Je n'envoie pas - I don't send
Comparison phrases
Moins + adjective + que - less....than
Le meilleur / la meilleure- the best
Plus + adjective + que - more....than
Le pire - the worst
Modal verbs
Je peux + infinitive verb - I can
Je dois + infinitive verb - I have to
Je veux + infinitive verb - I want to
'If' phrases
Si j'avais - if I had
Si j'étais - If I was / were
Si je pouvais - If I could
S'il était - if it was
Un peu - a bit
Assez - quite
Trés - very
Trop - too
Nul - rubbish
Amusant - funny
Dangereux - dangerous
Stupide - stupid
Beau / belle - beautiful
Interessant - interesting
Opinion phrases
Je me passionne - I am passionate
Je suis accro a - I am addicted to
Je suis fan de - I am a fan of
Selon moi - in my opinion
Je dirais que - I would say that
Je pense que - I think that
Ca me rend / fait - it makes me feel / do
A mon avis - in my opinion
Je trouve que - I find that
Je crois que - I believe that
Conditional endings
Il/elle/on + inf + ait
Nous + inf + ions
Tu + inf + ais
Vous + inf + iez
Je + inf + ais
Ils/elles + inf + aient
Embêtant - annoying
Abominable - dreadful
Marrant - funny
Chouette - great
Vachement - really
Time Phrases
Maintenant - now
Actuellement - currently
Hier - yesterday
Demain - tomorrow
Presque - almost
Tous les jours - everyday
La semaine derniere - last week
La semaine prochaine - next week
Quand je serai plus grand - when I am older
Quand j'aurai ... ans - when I am ... years old
Si j'etais riche - If I was rich
Si j'etais le premier ministre - if I was prime minister
Si c'etait possible - If it was possible
J'espere + infinitive - I hope to + verb
Si j'en avais l'occasion - If I had the opportunity
Je + present tense verb + depuis ... ans - I have been ... for ... years
J'en ai marre de + infinitive - I am fed up of + verb
J'ai hâte de + infinitive verb - I am excited to + verb