Fail safe VS
Fail secure
Fail Safe
Fail Secure
default state = unlocked
to keep locked during normal business operations: POWER must be applied
safe for people, not for the space
common use
main entry points like office doors or lobby acces doors
POWER interruption / failure : lock automatically unlocks
default state = locked
POWER interruption / failure : lock is or stays locked
commun use
IT Rooms or other sensitive areas
because lock keeps being
locked in emergencies
an mechanical override is provided
(f.e. a regular key)
override in a form
of a regular key
= entry without leaving
any electronic traces
use of mechanical override
= restricted to a few people
fail safe locks are there to allow fast exit in case of emergency
EGRESS = fast exit in case of emergency
EGRESS has always to be granted nevermind the lock (fail safe or fail secure)
Witch a fail secure or fail safe lock you can ALWAYS exit the door or building - emergency or not !
the terminology of fail safe or fail secure is only around ENTRY control in case of emergency !
Typically because people want to avoid fail safe locks from unlocking during power outages, they install backup batteries.
However that is actually defeating the purpose of why fail safe locks have been installed in the first place.
The third most common misconception is that electric strike locks are only fail secure.
In fact they can be configured for either 'fail safe' or 'fail secure'.
What makes electric strikes work are actually solenoids (magnets) inside of the strike shooting back and forth a little element to lock and unlock the strike. So depending on the polarity of the solenoid it can be movable when loosing power or stay in position.
Fail secure locks are definitely the standard electronic lock type, but if you are more deeper thinking about security you should consider enter scenarios and that's exactly when fail safe locks come into play.
A smart move is to get an electric strike that can be configured for both fail secure and fail safe. So if you ever want to switch the operating mode, you flip a switch instead of replacing the lock.
fail safe electromechanical locksets are good for firerated stairwelldoors
Mag-locks zijn altijd fail safe, als er geen ander slot aanwezig is kan bij een power interruption iedereen binnen treden
No free EGRESS when energized
Fail safe locks are unlocked when the power goes out–i.e., they require power to lock the door.
Fail secure locks are locked when the power goes out–i.e., they require power to unlock the door.
The terms “safe” and “secure” refer to the status of the door on its secure side (a.k.a. the outside or key side).