Orang Asli

About the "Orang Asli"

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Orang Asli and Various Groups during The Japanese Occupation of Malaya

Friendly contacts between China and Orang Asli

What is "Orang Asli"

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Before the war

Member of MPAJA (Malayan Peoples' Anti-Japanese Army)

Retreat to deep jungle and use the courier-routes passing through Orang Asli Area

MPAJA member and Orang Asli have a good connection of friendship with each other

They backup each other as they are together to protect the jungle people from the japanese attack

invaluable during the Occupation

As a return Orang Asli provide many help for the communist forces

The Location of Orang Asli

Provide porters

show some guide

provide food

intelligence on japanese movements

Orang Asli and various people before WW2

The Negrito

The Senoi

The Aboriginals

Lives Mainly in the slopes of the Titiwangsa Range

Relationship between Orang Asli and Various Groups (The Emergency Period)

The Largest group of Orang Asli (54%)

Way of life is Traditionally sedentary

the Briggs Plan

Bukit Betong resettlement camp

The Orang Asli is the main interest

Close contacts with Malay people since long time ago

defeat of the Communist forces which had rearmed and reorganised following their temporary

Post-Emergency Period

has settled 500000 Chinese people in the New Village

A Comprise set of people

Play important role in leadership

Play important role in trade

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Have proto-Malay blood

✒ Kensiu people (northeast Kedah)
✒ Kintak people (Kedah-Perak border)
✒ Jahai people (northeast Perak and West Kelantan)
✒ Lanoh people (North-central Perak)
✒ Mendriq people (Southeast Kelantan)
✒ Batek people (Northeast Pahang and South Kelantan) :

Many converted into Islam

Adult working as a labourers, timber sites and enterprises

Performed during an Emergency

The main purpose was to reduce the communist threat

The smallest population of Orang Asli (3%)

Way of life is mostly hunter-gathering

24 deaths

Mainly lives in the Southern half of Peninsula

Depended on orang asli product for trade

Secong largest group of Orang Asli (43%)

Forest Products

Their Way of life is similar to the general rural malay because they live in the most accessible areas

In the age group of 50


Marine Products

A Heterogeneous group





Descendants of the earliest inhabitance of Malay Peninsula, up to 25 000 years ago.

Sea slug

Important role in formation of Melaka

Orang Asli lived in West Malaysia long before the arrival of other groups.

Jabatan Hal Ehwal Orang Asli was Formed

Hang Tuah command Orang Laut to defence the kingdom during war

Under the jurisdiction of the Department of Social Welfare

Major P. D. R. Williams-Hunt

Known as "Original Peopla"

Leadership in Negeri Sembilan

the first Federal Adviser on Aborigines.

Biduadanda Waris, held a position in the administration of the region

Si Puntum, was the Orang Asli henchman of Maharaja Lela and Dato Sagor

Abuse of the Orang Asli

Cheated when they disposed of jungle produce

Refused payment after services

Robbed of their durian and other fruits

In 1961

Orang Asli as a Slaves

Ordinary slaves

Debtor slaves

Orang Asli could be captured and enslaved

Children were regarded as a particularly desirable by the slave hunters

The newly independent government issued a "Statement of policy regarding the administration of aborigine citizens of the Federation of Malaya"

Contanct with Chinese

Much less contact with with the Orang Asli

to protect and recognise Orang Asli rights.

Some Chinese traders, cultivator have friendly and mutually relationship with Orang Asli.

Under the Second Five Year Plam, $1,500,000 is allocated for Orang Asli

Quiet number of Chinese men married to Orang Asli communities

Friendly relationship with the Chinese created good surrounding which was a great assistance to the Chinese military.

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Post-Emergency Period: Today

Orang Asli

left behind

their poverty rate is high

in terms of their health problems such as malnutrition for children are very high

in terms of education they are far behind because the number who have never been to school and only study until primary school is very high