Lesson plan




Science k


Lesson Development

ICT tools

Lesson closure


45 minutes


Sources of light R27e513a5b2b60842be2a17edaf8a5d83

list down the different sources of light at home and in community.

name the sources of light

explain the importance of light in everyday life

youtube download

padlet Ra4b96f08c2082e43d609b4aa0093f490


Activity one

Activity two

Provide them with the worksheet and let them identify five objects that emit light

let students carry out a survey and list down the sources of light found in the community.

Ask questions to few students

Google Docs

Real time discussion

Collaborative learning

Contact teaching

Non-contact teaching

Google classroom google-classroom

Learner will explore the different sources of light from the link. Link Title

Teacher will teach students about the different sources of light.

Teacher will provide them with different pictures and ask them to classify the objects which emit light and that do not.

Activate prior knowledge

Asses students using rating scale.

Ask questions about uses of light