Drugs and their Effects on the Brain
What is Achol
Alcohol is a depressent drug that slows down the central nervous system and can be toxic and addictive.
Brian damage and problems with memory and thinking
Feeling more relaxed, confident, fewer inhaitions
Drowsiness and slurred speech
Increased risk of cancer
What is cananbis
Cannabis is a depressant drug, it slows down the messages going to and from the brain and the body. Cannabis is derived from the cannabis sativa plant.
Feeling more relaxed and calm
Less coordinated, felling more hungry, become more anxious and paranoid
Heart beast faster and blood pressue deacreases
Brain problems- concentration, learning and memory
Lung problems - breathing promblems like asthma, bronchitis cancer of the mouth, tongue, throat and lungs.
Liver damage
Brian damage and problems with memory and thinking
Increased blood presure and heart problem
What is Ecstasy
Esctasy is a stimulant that increases brian activity, it is a chemical structure is similar to methamphetamine and the hallucinogen mescaline. Estasy is usually swallowed in tablet or capsule form, but is also avaiable as a powder.
Sleep problems
Severe anxiety
Drug cravings
Long-lasting brain damage affecting thought and memory
Damage to portions of the brain that regulate critical functions such as learning, sleep and emotion
Degenerated nerve branches and nerve endings
Kidney failure
What is Heroin
Heroin is an opioid drug (depressant) made from morphine, a natural substance taken from the seed pod of the various opium poppy plants. It can slow down certain functions of a person's brain and nervous system.
Heavy feelings in arms and legs
Nausea and vomiting
Clouded mental functioning
Callapsed veins for people who inject the drug
Damaged tissue inside the nose for people who snort or sniff it
Inflection of the heart lining and valves
Liver and kidney disease
Mental disorders such as depression and antisocial personality disorder