The possibility you are is confined by the paradigm you are to the degree that you do not distinguish between the two. All those unexamined assumptions that are driving your actions, behaviors, and assessments—to the degree that you think you are all that, to that same degree, you limit yourself.
Put more abstractly, the situation is very much like what we spoke of earlier with respect to the mind; there are at least two domains—one, the domain of Being, and two, the domain in which all those unexamined assumptions live. Those are in fact two distinct domains. The rules of operating in one are entirely different from the rules of operating in the other. Who you are lives in the domain of Being; that is, your ability to bring forth, to intervene into circumstances, to create possibility and to make happen what you intend, lives in the domain of Being. That domain is one of mastery, of power, of accomplishment.
Alternatively, there is the domain of unexamined assumptions. Inherently, there is no power in this second domain. But when you fail to distinguish it, when you allow the two domains to collapse into one another and are unaware of your "Self" as generative Being, the paradigm has a force. Not power, but force. The paradigm, not you, drives, runs, and determines outcomes of your actions because you fail to distinguish it from who you are.
first step is to come to grips with the paradigm that one already is so that one can see its impact on one's performance, productivity, and actions.
Step two is to ask, "What is the nature of a paradigm?” which will in turn lead to step three, "What is the paradigm that would be natural to my intentions?"