As Raku was passing by the swamps, a twig snapped. Raku looked down, hoping it was his own feet, but there were no twigs near his feet. Raku looked around, nervous when he saw a large face poke out of the bushes. It was a Teroor, the second most dangerous creature in the world. It had seven eyes, three on each side and one in the middle, one snout, and three mouths. Raku froze and then realized that Teroors will eat anything that's not moving because it was easy prey. Raku began to run. And while Raku was running away, Raku ran into Mud Dragon Swamp where he was supposed to get Mark the Water Dragon, but he didn't know he was in the right swamp, because there was three, the mud dragon swamp, which was where he needed to go, the abandoned swamp, which was overrun with Teroors, and the cheese swamp, which smells like stinky cheese. And Raku went down the road again. Meanwhile in the swamp, Mark is playing with the mud dragons when they heard a honk. That made everybody run around as if it was the apocalypse. "Run for your lives, everybody!" "What is it"
Mark yelled. "The Drangons are coming" Someone yelled. everyone had climbed into their mud dens and shut everything. It was like the whole kingdom was on shut down. Even the Queen was on lockdown. Mark ran over to one of the mud doors and started banging on it. No one answered. "Help it's Mark, I'm stuck outside, Help!" Finally, someone opened the door slowly. Mark ran over and smiled. just before he got to the door they shut it. "No-o-o-o-o! Help anyone save me" Mark saw another door open and the exact same thing happened. After that, he sat on the roof of a mud den and he saw some silhouettes in the shape of swamp bees. He stood up immediately and fell through the roof. He landed in his friend Bobby's den. "Hey, what are you doing here?" Bobby's older brother Tax asked. Tax starts beating up Mark.
Bobby "jumps" out from the huge shelfs and lands on his face on the floor of the den. "Are you okay Mark" Bobby asks. "Not anymore" Mark said, looking at Tax. "He busted our roof, now the Drangons can come in" Tax said grumpily. "Oh, that was a bad thing you did Mark, the Drangons are the most dangerous things on earth, I guess you didn't know cause they bother everyone beside a special Water dragon." Bobby said. "Me?" Mark said. "No, not you, he's dead, killed by a Teroor, The world's better off without him, But the Drangons still don't bother Water dragons" Tax explained. "I've never even seen a Drangon in my whole life." Mark explained. "Well, I hope you never see one." said Bobby. At that moment, they all heard a big noise. A high-pitched scream. Tax, Bobby, and Mark looked up. The queen of the mud dragons was looking out to the distance where Mark saw the swamp bees.
"If you see a Drangon, you have a one hundred percent chance of death. No one has lived and saw a Drangon, although they look like swamp bees." Mark suddenly became even more scared. "How do you know what they look like?" Mark asked. "My parents saw them and told me." Bobby said, with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Bobby. About your parents, and your queen." Mark said comfortly. "What do you mean, the queen?" Tax asked. "The queen saw a Drangon." Mark said. "The mud dragons are going to go extinct, are they?" Bobby asked. "How?" Mark asked. "If all the royalty is dead, the whole type of dragon dies." Tax explained. "The only royalty we have is the queen and her daughter, who is five." "So you'll have a five-year old for a queen." Mark said. "five-year old's wish for a world made of sweets, how are we supposed to do that?" Bobby said.
"Good point." Mark said. The queen screamed again. "Help!" the queen yelled. All the guards had ran away, leaving the queen alone. "We have to help her." Bobby said. "Why?" Tax asked. "The only other options are for us to die, and to be creating a world of candy." Bobby said. Tax bolted out of the den without another word. Mark and Bobby followed. The guards had left in such a hurry, they forgot to unlock the door. They ran in to the room the queen was in. But when they got there, three giant Drangons were standing over a small mud dragon. Behind the Drangons, there was a body that was limp on the floor. It was the queen. "Get away from her!!" Tax yelled, jumping at the Drangons. Mark had never noticed how big Tax was, the Drangons were huge, and Tax was as big as them. Tax pummeled one into the wall, making the wall break.
The two other Drangons looked away from the new queen and ran at Tax. Bobby barreled into one, knocking it into the same wall. The wall started to fall. Tax grabbed the queen and ran to get away, but the third Drangon grabbed him by the tail and flung him into the wall. The wall fell and Tax and the queen were crushed by the falling wall. "No!" Bobby yelled. A Drangon picked Bobby up, and bit him on the neck. Just like the queen, Bobby went limp. Mark fought back tears and yelled, "Come and get me!" The Drangons chased him until they reached a crossway, Mark went the left way, and the Drangons went the right way. Mark ran out of the castle and ran out of the mud dragon swamp, not looking back. Back at the castle, Tax lifted the wall off him and the new queen and looked around. Tax saw two limp figures on the ground.
One was the queen and the other was Bobby. Tax fell to his knees and started sobbing. When he finished sobbing, Tax walked over to the window and looked down at the city. He watched as every single mud dragon was killed by the Drangons. Tax also saw webbed tracks that were leading away from the castle. Tax picked up the new queen, jumped out the window, and landed on the ground. Tax ran out of the mud dragon swamp, chasing Mark's tracks. "When I find you, you'll wish you never were born!" Tax yelled into the forest.
Chapter 2: Trixie
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