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THE ASTRONOMY, image, image, image, image, -145, 778,3, Uranus, 164,8,…
We have important scientists in astronomy which are
Johannes Kepler
Galileo Galilei
Isaac Newton
Spatial Exploration
October 1957
The Soviet Union launched the Semiorka rocket to place the first artificial satellite in orbit
A dog naimed Laika traveled to the space
November 1957
January 1958
United States launched the artificial satellite called Explorer
October 1959
Humanity saw the hidden face of the Moon for the first time thanks to images sent by Soviet probe Luna 3
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Planets, satellites, comets and asteroids
The solar system is formed by several bodies named stars:
The sun: The sun is an essential element, it provides light and warmth.
Astronomical Phenomena in space
It spins around the galactic center once every 250 million years . Aurond it there are eight planets and their moons spinning
Structure of the Sun
The volumen of the Earth is more than a million times smaller then that of the Sun , while the terrestrial mass is 81 time bigger .Revolution and nutation are the reason why days and nights exist , calentar ( 365 days , 5 hours , 47 minutes )
Beacuse there is no atmosphere on the Moon , the sky is always black ( even during the day ) and the stars
Asteroids: Wich is much smaller than the one of the planets, located between Mars and Jupiter.
Comets: They are fragments of ice and rock that travel around the sun generally in very elliptic orbits, comets develop a tail that points to the opposite direction.
Interior and exterior planets
New Moon : It is charaterized because its illuminated face is in the opposite direction of the Earth
First Quarter : This phase is called crescent because it isthe first one since the phase of the New moon
l Mooon : This happens when the Moon gats the light from the Sun on its visible face and it looks full
Last quarter : It is produced when the full moon has turned a quarter of spin and it shows half of its face illuminated
Meteorites and aerolites: Wich are mode of rock or metal and are smaller than ateroids, spin around the sun, produce craters like it happens with the moon.
Positions relative to The Sun and the Moon : There are tides caused by the Sun and others by the Moon , the Moon is much closer to the Earth that of the Sun
On the other hand , in solar tides , the Sun is far from the Earth , and its force to create tides is 46 %smaller than that of The moon
Sun adds to that of the Moon , the tides are large and we call them tides alive
Mercury: It is clost planet in the sun, doesn´t have satellites and the atmosphere is very thin, registers very high temperatures, does not have water.
Venus: Is the second planet which is closest the sun, does not have satellites, it is the brighest star in the sky, it is called " lucero de alba".
Earth: It has a natural satellite, that is the moon and it is the only one that water in its three states: solid, liquid and gaseous. The presence of the atmosphere and the biosphere make it the unique in the solar system.
Astronomical phenomena in space : Astronomical phenoma wich are widely known , attention among others are eclipses . Auroras , rainbows , meteor showers and supers moons
Eclipses : The moon and the Sun , there are two modalities : solar eclipse and lunar eclipse
Solar eclipse : Earth because of the passing of the Moon betwen the Sun and the Earth . So that anly certain area can be immrsed in the Darknee it creates
Lunar eclipse : particularly from the hemisphere thet is not immuninated by the Sun so long as the Moon is above the horizon
Mars: It has two satellites, Deimos and Phobos. It looks a red star, do not liquid water. This wonderful planet has the largest volcano of the solar system, named Olympus Mons.
Jupiter: Is the biggest planet of the solar system that looks like parallel belts and giant hurricanes, as a red stain that floats in its southern hemisphere, but a gaseous matter. It has twenty-one known satellites and it also has rings. Every gaseous planet has rings, but they are much less shiny than the one Saturn has. These rings are very light and dark, as they are formed by rocky material.
Saturn: Is the second biggest planet of the solar system, is characterized for being surrounded by a system of rings formed by ice particles and cold gas, has an atmosphere with belts as well, and has twenty-three satellites that spin around it.
Uranus: Around it, there are fifteen satellites spinning, five of wich can be see with telescopes from the earth; the other ten were discovered and photographed by the Voyager 2 spaceship in 1986, this planet rotates in the opposite direction to the one in which the earth does (this is called retrograde rotation), its rotation axis is not perpendicular to the elliptical , but it is almost parallel to it. This means that the planet rotates as a marble ball on a table.
Neptune: The intense blue color of Neptune has nothing to do with the ocean. Like all gaseous planets, its visible surface corresponds to the most external layers of its thick atmosphere. Your composition and structure, similar to those of Uranus, was discovered in 1846 by Galle and D'Arrest thanks to the observation of small irregularities in Uranus orbit, which made astronomers think that there was gravitational influence from another planet nearby. Triton is one of its satellites and it is one of the largest in the solar system.
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Super Moon : Gravitational attracion in the moon is stronger , that is why during super moons , waves are much taller
Meteorite Rain : A meteorite is a spatial rock that enters the atmosphere of the Earth . we say thet a " meteor shower " is produced
Auroras : This is an atmospheric phenomenon produced by solar radiotion . Luminous columns of several colors ( green , pink , purple )
Rainbow : This is an oprical and meteorological phenomenon that consists of the decomposition of the sunlight in the continuos visible spectrum in the sky
Pluto´s case: From 1930, Pluto was considered the ninth planet of the solar system. But in August 2006, 2500 astronomers from 75 countries decided that it did not meet the conditions to be considered a planet, so it was degraded to a planetoid.
The Constellations
A constellation is an area on the celestial sphere in which a group of visible stars forms a perceived outline or pattern, typically representing an animal, mythological person or creature, or an inanimate object.
**Circumpolar constellatons : These are visible all year long in the Northern Hemisphere , like the Ursa Major , Ursa Min
or , Dranco and Dux
Spring Constellations : During this time of the Year , galaxies that can be observed are : Crater , Hydra and Leo among other
Summer constellations: Are the constellations that are best seen in the evening night sky. These constellations include Aquila, Cygnus, Lyra, Sagittarius, Scorpius, Ophiuchus and Hercules.
Autumn constellations : Lacerta and Pegasus are found in the northern sky, while Aquarius, Pisces Austrinus, Grus, and Octans are found in the southern celestial hemisphere.
Winter constellations : In this times of the years , many constellations can be observed , such as orion , gemini and auring
Zodicac constellations : Capricorn , Aquarius , Pisces , Aries , Taurus , Gemini , Cancer , Leo , etc...
Beliefs and theories : In each culture ,many of the constellations had a very important meaning for peolpe located in the Northern hemisphere
In the sense , the Orion constellation is also important for navigation and location because the celestial equartor cosses
Theses were known with mythological names from the ancient times and since the discovery era
Nowardays , a cpnstellation is defined asa fexid areas in the sky , limited by lineas wich are parallel to the celestial equarto and meridians